What It Means to Be Free From Pornography

By: American Decency Staff

A young Ken Smith sat in front of his television watching old cartoons. They were of course, better than today's cartoons; it was the golden age of slapstick comedy, before political correctness and the perpetually offended. But one toon in particular would stick with him for the rest of his life.

It was a retelling of the classic children's story, Little Red Riding Hood, except this version cast the wolf as a wealthy city slicker and Red Riding Hood as a sexy night club singer. If you've watched classic cartoons, you've probably seen some version of it: the wolf is not so interested in eating Red, as he is in well, procuring her. Upon setting his eyes on the beautiful, shapely dancer, the wolf's cartoonish response is an over the top, lustful reaction as he howls and claps and hits himself in the head with a hammer and his eyes literally pop out of his head.

It was a relatively tame, goofy, six minute cartoon, but years later, Ken Smith would recognize that silly little cartoons like "Red Hot Riding Hood" had contributed to conditioning him and presumably many others on what to expect of their own developing sexuality.

What do men do when we see an attractive woman?

Well, maybe a less cartoonish version of that.

Today, Ken Smith is a Biblical Counselor and he ministers, in part, to those who struggle with pornography addiction.

Of course, the old cartoon Red Riding Hood probably isn't responsible for anyone's pornography addiction, but it is an example of the culturally normal response to sexual attraction.

Ken contrasts with this what the Bible tells us our reaction ought to be.

"We're told in 1 Thessalonians 4, that 'each of you should learn how to control his own body, in a way that is holy and honorable, not in passionate lust.' So we're told we are supposed to be striving after a non-lustful sexuality.

…We don't even know what a non-lustful sexuality looks like. What is the likelihood we're going to hit it, if we can't even describe it – if we can't even envision a sexuality that isn't based on lust?"

Ken answers that question in this 37 minute video from American Decency Association's recent marriage conference at the Shack. We hope that you or someone you know can benefit from it, so we've made the video available free of charge on YouTube.

Ken doesn't just explain the problem though, he offers Biblical solutions.

Those frustrated with trying to overcome addictions will be blessed by Ken's understanding.

"'God says you shouldn't!'

'You're right, He does. I know it. It makes me feel guilty every time I go there, but it's not a help…'

The law has the power to condemn, it doesn't have the power to overcome sin.

Ken goes on to share how God can break the chains of addiction and replace our worldly, lustful sexuality with Godly, Biblical sexuality.

Please watch and share this video. We hope that it can lead to freedom for many!

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