Trust your kids. Just don’t trust the Internet…ever

By: American Decency Staff

My email is filled with parents telling me how shocked they are at having just discovered their child is looking at porn. I’m not shocked. For the past several years I’ve travelled the country speaking to well over 100,000 teens, young adults, and parents about this issue and—in case you’ve been living under a rock on another planet and need to be told this—it’s an epidemic.

In this post I will do two things: 1) Shock you into reality (if you’re not there already) by sharing some recent statistics on kids and porn, and, 2) offer three resources that will help you as parents help your kids.

Let’s begin with an interesting quote from the U.S Justice Department

“Never before in the history of telecommunications media in the United States has so much indecent and obscene material been so easily accessible by so many minors in so many American homes with so few restrictions.”[1]

Sounds about right, doesn’t it. But the scary thing about this statement is that it was made during in the late 90’s, before the advent of smartphones, even before the term Wi-Fi was trademarked.

Back then, if you wanted to look at pornography online, you would have to endure the tedium of dial-up Internet on a large, immovable desktop computer that probably everyone in the house had access to.

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We also recommend a filter for your computer and mobile device from American Family Online

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