There’s a Crack in the Door

By: American Decency Staff

The Bible gives plenty of examples of God using unlikely means to do the impossible – the stories of Moses, Samson, and David, just to name a few.  What are now well-known Bible stories must have been stressful, terrifying, and almost hopeless experiences for those who went through them. The futures of all of those men were bleak, as the American Church's seems to be, before God made Himself known in those situations.

Who's to say God will not do an amazing thing in the American Courts in our day and age?

We received the following email from our friend Janet Porter, president of Faith2Action (who will also be the speaker at our annual conference on Friday, July 31), and we urge you to make it an urgent matter of action and prayer that God would work through such unlikely means for His honor and glory to be broadcast throughout the nation and the world.

This is what Janet Porter wrote today:

We have only five days left to tell the Supreme Court "No" and provide them with additional reasons to reconsider the Obergefell v. Hodges marriage case. 

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine promised to read Professor David Forte's memo, which we presented to him on Friday, making the case for a Motion for Rehearing.

There is a crack in the door–and your calls can open it!

We have one last chance–if just ONE judge is sick, absent, or worried about their "legitimacy," we WIN. 

The Attorneys General of Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee and Kentucky have standing in this case, and can file a motion to rehear it.  No matter where you live, please call them!


A)  Call Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and leave this message:

"Please don't give up!  File a Motion for Rehearing in the marriage case.  We have everything to gain, and nothing to lose." 

OH Attorney Gen. Mike DeWine:  800-282-0515

Ask to speak to a supervisor and explain that we have only 5 days left to file a motion to rehear the marriage case and protect our freedoms!

B)  Call the Attorneys General of KY, TN and MI also. Urge them to file a "Motion for Rehearing" in the Supreme Court marriage case–before Monday, July 20th. Ask them to present the new information about how Justice Ginsburg violated federal law by officiating a homosexual "wedding" after the oral arguments but before the ruling.

    KY Attorney General Jack Conway: 502-696-5300

    TN Attorney General Herbert Slatery: 615-741-3491

     MI Attorney General Bill Schuette: 517-373-1110

C)  Pray that God will open the door!

On July 10, Dr. David Forte, Janet Porter, and 35 pastors and leaders met with Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine. The AG was gracious to give nearly two hours of his time. He not only heard the legal arguments for filing a Motion for Rehearing, he heard them from a man who was quoted and cited by Chief Justice John Roberts in his dissent on the very marriage case we're urging them to rehear–Dr. David Forte!

Pastor after pastor encouraged AG DeWine to use every means possible to fight for marriage and our freedoms.

We have everything to gain, and nothing to lose, by using Supreme Court Rule 44 to ask the high court to rehear the case!

Justice Ginsburg officiated a homosexual "wedding" after oral arguments but before the ruling.  That violates federal law on impartiality and the AGs can present this new info in a Motion to Rehear the case.

As Janet (Folger) Porter stated in her daily radio commentary today:

We all know how bad the Obergefell v. Hodges marriage case was.  Is a decision that reverses the votes of the majority of Americans to redefine marriage something we should just sit and complain about?  Or should we do all we can to stop it?

The Attorney Generals of Ohio, Michigan, Tennessee and Kentucky have only 5 days left to file a motion with the Supreme Court to rehear the marriage case.  Five days to tell them, "No," we don't want this, and provide them with more reasons why.

 We met with Attorney General Mike DeWine of Ohio last week and provided him with those reasons in writing.  All he needs to do is put them into a motion asking the Supreme Court to rehear the marriage case.  Ask him at: 800-282-0515.

Why do the nations rage
    and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
    and the rulers take counsel together,
    against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
 “Let us burst their bonds apart
    and cast away their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens laughs;
    the Lord holds them in derision.
                       ~  Psalm 2:1-4

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