The last days of a truly free America?

By: American Decency Staff


The young mother stood in my office with “fire” in her eyes.  Not a fire of anger, but a fire of love and compassion for God and His Holy Word. 

How refreshing to see a young person zealous with concern and understanding that there is much at stake if the U.S. Supreme Court decides to legalize same-sex marriage.

This young woman is desiring to call others to join with her in praying that the Supreme Court would rule in a way that would align with the truth of God’s word – affirming the natural order of marriage ordained at Creation.

On the other hand, there are many proponents of same-sex marriage who are angry at God and reject the Bible and/or alter the Word of God to make it say what they want it to say. They rebel against God’s standard – as do all of us when we sin.  Just as adultery is sin, so is homosexuality.   

All sin – including adultery homosexuality (though more could be named) – is in opposition to God and His Holy Word.  God is Holy, Holy Holy (that’s what the Bible says).  And He calls His people to be holy for He is Holy.

As anyone who has ever read even the first pages of Scripture knows, God’s design for marriage from the Garden of Eden was one man and one woman.

God made us His people and he calls us to obey Him and honor Him all the days of our lives.  Having created us in His image, God’s desire is that we would enjoy Him and bring glory to His Name. 

However, when Adam and Eve fell into sin in Genesis chapter 3, all human kind has been marked by sin. Being imperfect (sinners) all are prone to wander for all have fallen short of the glory of God.  [Romans 3:23]

By His grace, as we recognize that, indeed, we are sinners – we see our need of a Savior.  God provides that Savior in the person of His one and only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ    As we confess and ask God to forgive us of our sin, He forgives us and cleanses us from our sin by the washing of His shed blood on the cross of Calvary.   In our salvation, He provides us with His Holy Spirit  which removes the veil of darkness from our eyes enabling us to  understand His Holy Word, the Bible – giving us eyes to understand spiritual things.   

Through being saved, God through Jesus Christ places within us a desire to be like Him – to pursue holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.  [Hebrews 12:14]

While no one this side of Heaven, even if saved, will ever reach a state of perfection, God, nonetheless, is sanctifying us through the trials and tribulations that we go through day by day and renewing and strengthening us by the power of His Holy Word.  As we abide with Christ, who first loved us, He pours out His grace enabling us to abide in His word in humble obedience.    

The Scripture makes clear that as Christians grow in maturity, increasingly they reflect Christ through fruit-bearing – displaying the fruit of the spirit in their very own lives:  Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.  Galatians 5:22,23

As we grow in faith, we begin to recognize that God is, indeed, working within us.  God’s word tells us:  “He who has begun a good work within you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

God tells us in His Word that those who are saved when they die will spend eternity in Heaven with Him.  But, for those who deny that Christ is Savior and Lord, those not washed in the blood of Jesus Christ will spend eternity in Hell.   The Bible  makes it clear that broad is the way that leads to destruction and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life.  Matthew 7:13-14.

Make no mistake. There are many enemies of Jesus Christ as many reject the central truth that there is only one way to get to Heaven.   That way is through Christ and Christ alone.   Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. John 14:6 [No man cometh unto the Father except by Me.]

Romans 10:9-10 saysif you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.

The Bible also makes it clear – Jesus said they hated me.  They will hate you too.   John 15:18-25

God calls His children to be Holy as He is Holy.  The Christian is to love what He loves and to oppose that which He opposes.  God hates sin.  The Bible makes it clear that He hates all sin – lying, homosexuality, adultery, lust, pride, stealing, covetousness, (the Ten Commandments delineates further).  

When one thinks of qualities that God detests, an objective observer can see that sin goes against God’s Holy character.  It is sin that degrades, debilitates, undermines.  While sin destroys and divides, the fruit of the spirit builds up – love, joy, peace, kindness, etc.

Does adultery build up?  Is it helpful to the children?  To the spouse?   Is it healthy?  Are sexually transmitted diseases prevalent in multiple relationships with others?

Similar questions can be asked in regard to homosexuality.  God calls homosexuality an abomination.   That is a very strong word but that’s what God calls it:  an abomination.    One dictionary defined abomination in the following  way:  vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.:

God curses a nation which turns their back upon Him.   A nation that elevates abomination is in rebellion against God and His Holy character and His Holy Word. 

Satan uses sin to divide.  America is being divided.   Perhaps the most recent display of that was in regard to the state of Indiana where major corporations and politicians  – even the NCAA and the NFL (of all organizations) – excoriated Governor Mike Pence for merely trying to pass a state version of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) –  which had already been overwhelmingly passed by the Federal government in 1993 and signed by then President Bill Clinton.  State Senator Barack Obama had voted in favor of RFRA in the state of Illinois.  RFRA passed there by a vote of 93-0 (1998).

Division.  A house divided against itself cannot stand. 

If the Supreme Court announces that it will approve same sex marriage when it makes its historic announcement sometime in June, be ready for an assault on the Freedom of Religion that will surely come.

Pastors and non-profit Christian organizations as American Decency will be targeted for

merely preaching and teaching the counsel of God  – what God’s word has to say about many things including homosexuality.

Those against God’s word will be helping to destroy America from within – ushering in an increasingly godless culture (where right will be wrong and wrong will be right) as intolerance against God and His Holy Word will mark our culture at all levels of society.

Christians will be forced to keep preaching and teaching to ourselves within our houses of worship, but no longer in the highways and byways of life.  And, when that happens, truth, righteousness, the free expression of belief, Christian conscience, will be removed from our schools, our government – even many churches that fear man more than God.

The land of the free?  It will be no longer. 

As with the young mother of three, some are organizing prayer meetings.   Many are praying at more intense levels of heart and soul than ever before. 

In previous emails I have mentioned a defend marriage link.  This will be presented to the Supreme Court.   Please – It deserves your prayerful attention and response. 

In addition, I hope you will join with many others (including my wife and I) at:

(1 Saturday, April 25 – Washington, DC – March for Marriage  – gather at 11:30 A.M. – beings at 12:00

(2 Monday, April 27 – Washington, DC –  Press Conference at the National Press Club at 10:00 A.M. – meet at 9:30 A.M. at 529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor, Washington, DC 20045

More than anything I encourage you to call upon God’s mighty name as you never have before.  Ask God to bring you a burdened heart removed from the distractions of every day life – some of which are such sinking sand. 

May God be merciful to America once again though we are deserving of His wrath.

Lastly, would be remiss in not giving a quick reminder regarding what promises to be a weekend of spiritual encouragement.

I’m referring to a “Bringing Christ Home” – Marriage and the Supremacy of Christ coming up June 5-7 at the beautiful grounds of the Shack. 

This will be a sweet weekend of renewal.  

We have kept costs as low as possible. There is no charge for the conference itself.  

We are trusting God for every detail of this conference.  

Click here:  for the full conference details.

Here is a brief summation:

The Shack's rooms feature beautiful views and may include a jacuzzi tub and/or a fireplace. The cost for meals is included in the price of accommodation. Event attendance is free; however, we encourage you to make the most of this weekend by staying on site in the Shack's beautiful facilities.

 To support efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.   

 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

photo credit: Supreme Court Building via photopin (license)

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