The gathering at the “Shack” a short overview

By: American Decency Staff

This past weekend a group of 55 gathered for our weekend conference which we called:  “Bringing Christ Home – Family and the Supremacy of Christ”.

Highlights of the weekend just to name a few –

Ken Smith’s message (Saturday morning).   Ken spoke on the important issue of lust, pornography and  God’s will.

I personally have heard many messages on the subject (and given many myself).  This was the very best of any I have ever heard.  Ken heads the Biblical Counseling Center in Jenison, Michigan.  He understands the brokenness of people and as a pastor he teaches and preaches under the authority of God’s Word.  We anticipate this will be available online and available as a cd or DVD. 

Ken Smith’s sermon on Sundaywas taken from Lamentations chapter 3.  When I saw that it was coming out of Lamentations, I wondered what Ken was going to do with this section of Scripture.  This message, too, was powerful as he gave heavy reference to Jeremiah in Lamentations and from the book of Jeremiah.  How Jeremiah at any early age was called of God to speak a prophetic word into the Israelites and how Jeremiah’s calling included suffering for telling and standing for truth in the midst of a hostile, God-hating culture.

Ken’s message powerfully helped the congregation recognize how God preserved his remnant in the midst of trials, wicked leadership, suffering, weakness, captivity, death.

I was amazed at how God led Ken with a thoroughly scriptural message with such timely application and that so magnificently encapsulated the entire weekend.

Other highlights included:

Bruce Kuiper’s messages (Friday and Saturday) regarding “How men build a legacy of grace as prophets, priests and kings and the earthly and eternal consequences when they don’t.  Bruce shared sobering statistics and accounts of the breakdown of male leadership in the family both without and within the church.

Discussions included “saving and sanctifying eternal souls through the simple strategy of Father-led Worship; that God holds men accountable as spiritual leaders of their family.  Bruce is the founder of Grace Legacy Builders, Grand Rapids.

Will Wagner is the Professor and Director at the Center for Human Rights, Trinity International University, Santa Ana, California.   Wagner’s discussed the Judeo-Christian worldview underlying Constitutional protections for marriage between a husband and a wife. He explained how activist courts use a different worldview in an attempt to redefine marriage.  He finished with an overview of the arguments he made against redefining marriage to the U.S. Supreme Court (in a brief representing over 25,000 Christian churches and ministries).

A question and answer session was eye opening as people were drawn into seeking answers regarding “Civil Disobedience.”   

In addition to our speakers, I also asked one of our attendees, Christian attorney Dave Kallman, to participate.  Dave Kallman is representing Yvette Cormier in the Planet Fitness case.  The case involves Cormier (a Midland County Michigan resident) who expressed concern that a man, identifying as “transgender,” was allowed to share the woman’s locker room.  When Cornier informed other female gym members of the Planet Fitness policy, her gym membership was canceled. 

We closed out Saturday with a time of praise and worship led by Brent and Britany Jackson out of the Dayton, Ohio area.

Further highlights:

One middle aged man from Grand Rapids came up to me and said he came because a family member encouraged him and his wife.  He told me he hadn’t been a Christian very long but that this conference really helped him see new things as a Christian that he had never seen or understood before.

Others with tears looked at me on the closing day and just said “Thank you so very much for an amazing weekend.”

The time of fellowship that people have with one another is also a strong highlight.  People who were strangers to each other meet, discuss, share, and become friends and kindred spirits.  It is special to listen as the fellowship area buzzes with laughter and a sense of joy.

Our prayers were answered that “God would be glorified.” 

A look ahead. 

As good as this weekend conference is, we have high expectations for our annual conference coming up on July 31 at the Sunshine Community Church in Grand Rapids.  We again have strong presenters for our event. 

The times are so concerning regarding the assault upon Biblical marriage and sexuality (the legitimization of transgenderism, homosexuality, etc.) and the assault from without – ISIS, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.  Our presenter on this subject is Stephen C. Coughin.  Coughlin earned recognition as the Pentagon’s leading expert on the Islamic-based doctrines motivating Jihadi groups that confront America. 

Beginning in 2001, the Muslim Brotherhood convinced the White House to ban Coughlin and put an end to his briefings. The move was in keeping with the Shariah concepts of slander that seek to blindfold America to certain realities that render us defenseless against a threat made existential by the very ignorance it gets out leaders to enforce.

The times are serious.  Many still are in the dark regarding Shariah and the enemy behind jihad and civilization jihad.  Coughlin delivers his message with grace, truth and bold honesty.   Video

Light Wins: ADA’s Annual Summer Conference

Stephen C. Coughlin, Janet (Folger) Porter, Pastor Anthony Moore. Each of these speakers will address the "Gathering Storm," the spiritual battles that will confront us now and in the future. We encourage you to join us on Friday evening, July 31, 2015 in Grand Rapids, MI at Sunshine Community Church. Cost: Free will offering.

Friday, July 31, 2015
6:30pm to 9:30pm

Sunshine Community Church
3300 E Beltline Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

For more information or to register by phone call: 231-924-4050
or email:

Register online

We present this opportunity to you to bring your children and/or young adult grandchildren.  The stakes are high. 

God would have us not be surprised at what lies ahead but to be ready always to give an answer for the hope that lies within us. 


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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. 

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