The Fall of America

By: American Decency Staff

Every so often a film especially impacts to the depths of your heart, soul, and mind.   Agenda:  Grinding America Down was one such movie.  The man behind that documentary is Curtis Bowers.

If you haven’t seen Agenda, I encourage you do so at your earliest convenience as with powerful documentation it offers clarity to where we find ourselves today.

Prior to this movie I knew very little about the community organizer – Saul Alinsky.  Now many of you also have familiarity with Alinsky’s significant influence upon Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton – and upon America.

Everyone should see this powerful inspirational movie.  Purchase it online.  (We do not currently have any in stock, however it is available on Amazon.)

We were privileged to have Curtis Bowers as a speaker at our annual conference three years ago.   He received a rousing standing ovation from our audience as he completed his message.  It was because the people witnessed the message of a godly man and teller of truth with no hidden agenda.  

Curtis Bowers carries a sincere passion for righteousness!  You can see it in his eyes.  You can hear it in his words.  You can see it in his steady and clear focus.

A heads up:  His second movie is nearing completion: Agenda 2:  Masters of Deceit. Please see this powerful trailer

Listen to their words of warning from the people on this short clip.  Major General (R)  Jerry Boykin, Starr Parker, Trevor Loudon, Kevin Swanson, G. Edward Griffin, Robin Eubanks, Dr. David Noebel, Dr. Alan Keyes, Brian Sussman, Jim Simpson, Dr. Peter Hammond, Dr. Carol Swain.

My friends, passionate, caring people like Curtis Bowers and those listed above are trying to warn you and me. They need to be heard.

What difference does it make? 

If you care about those who came after you, it may very well make a difference.

See the passionate, concern in Boykin, Parker, the others.  They are trying to get masses of us to see, so that we will know what to do.  The answer is unfolding. 

Many of you are procrastinating – thinking, 'I just don’t know yet if I’m going to be at ADA’s conference on July 31.'

We have passionate speakers with a passionate burden for America. 

Why wouldn’t you “sacrifice” your time to be with like-minded Christians seeking answers to our country on the verge of falling?

This is not just hyperbole. 

Register, spread the word, and bring as many friends and loved ones as you can.

Register today. 


 We encourage you to join us on Friday evening, July 31, 2015 in Grand Rapids, MI at Sunshine Community Church for “Light Wins” – ADA’s Annual Conference.

Cost: Free will offering.

Friday, July 31, 2015

6:30pm to 9:30pm

Sunshine Community Church
3300 E Beltline Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

To Register:

Online: Click Here
Call: 231-924-4050


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American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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