Silence is often not golden

By: American Decency Staff

Often I would hear people in Michigan and throughout the nation say “I can’t remember the last time that I heard a message on pornography, being not unequally yoked, placing no evil thing before your eyes, homosexuality, same-sex marriage.

Why is there so little preached, instructed to young and old on areas where Satan is degrading and devouring so many lives?  
Lest we think we get off the hook  so easily, what about you and me in our very own homes?


What does God’s word  have to say about pornography? 

Why is it vital that we guard our hearts, minds and souls from the darkness of pornography?


Being unequally yoked

Young people are largely clueless as to what God’s plan for their lives is in this vital area of life.  

This ought not to be.  Discernment: knowing the difference between one who fraudulently poses as a Christian and one who truly does have a true walk with the Lord. 

How will Satan wreak havoc in a marriage where one person is a believer and one who isn’t?

Homosexuality, same sex marriage, transgenderism

I spoke at a secular university a year ago.  The college students were like sponges on this subject.  There were so many good questions asked and such lack of spiritual perspective on these vital subjects.  They were like sponges because there is a deathly silence on this issue from a Biblical perspective.

In closing,  I am concerned that many churches have shied away from these hotly contested spiritual warfare fronts. 

Please give careful consideration on this.  There is too much at stake in this above area.  

Light shed into darkness can help set people free and also keep vulnerable ones from falling into sin that may have significant implications for their lives and their loved ones.

Watch Over Your Heart

“Is your heart right? Then be humble and watchful. You are not yet in heaven, but in the world. You are in the body. The devil is near you, and never sleeps. Oh, keep your heart with all diligence! Watch and pray lest you fall into temptation. Ask Christ Himself to keep your heart for you. Ask Him to dwell in it, and reign in it, and garrison it, and to put down every enemy under His feet.”
~ J.C. Ryle

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