SI Swimsuit – A Gateway Drug

By: American Decency Staff


As research and common sense indicate, those who view (or read) pornography are soon not satisfied with the material they consume and so escalate to more explicit and extreme forms of pornography. 

Not only do we know this, but so do the publishers of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine.  This so-called Swimsuit magazine has been and still is a “gateway drug” to harder and harder forms of pornography – especially for young boys.  And so, to keep this money-making issue flying off the magazine racks, Sports Illustrated knows it must ratchet up the shock value every year.

As they have done this year with a cover that is their most graphic yet. 

And we’re not the only ones expressing concern.  This cover photo is so explicit, that even liberal news organizations are calling out SI Swimsuit and using terms such as “pornographic” to describe the magazine cover.  Business Insider wrote it’s the “most scandalous cover yet” and reported that in a UsWeekly poll, “68% of readers thought the cover image resembled porn”. 

Many have taken to Twitter and Facebook to express outrage regarding the SI cover.  Here are a few comments:

–          SportsIllustrated cover outrageous..inappropriate..pornographic…unnecessary…nasty.  Is there any wonder women are seen as sex objects?

–          The new sports illustrated cover is classless and inappropriate. Like seriously, cover your vagina, kids see this mag in the grocery store.

–          Ok, um, is it just me or is this a bit too much? This is #SportsIllustrated not Playboy. Pretty girl, but poor taste.

And a writer for the Philadephia Daily News – one who creates an annual “Sexy Singles” spread for that newspaper – writes this:

That's a little too low, Sports Illustrated.

As the creator of the Daily News’ popular, annual Sexy Singles spread, I understand the need for the magazine to up the ante in terms of hotness each year, but the magazine finally crossed the proverbial line by all but baring a model’s nether regions.

I’m referring to the 2015 cover of the magazine’s popular swimsuit edition that this year features a model baring a whole lot more than we’re typically used to seeing in non-men’s magazines. The cover, which features 24-year-old Hannah Davis sexily pulling her swimsuit bottoms almost off and nearly baring her pubic mound, is being accused of being “pornographic” among other charges.

… I hate to be on the side of conservatives but some people doing the tongue clucking have a point.  The National Center on Sexual Exploitation sent out a press release accusing

Davis’ pose of normalizing ‘gentital display, not just with the pages, but also on the front of the magazine.  This will be ground level display in most supermarkets, gas stations, bookstores, and airport kiosks for any 10-year-old child to see.’  …

We at American Decency have been one of the very few voices over the years warning of this concerning magazine, urging stores not to carry it and corporations not to advertise in it.

But it’s not just the cover that’s concerning.  Page after page reveals young women in erotic poses – often topless and/or bottomless.   For a “swimsuit” magazine, there is very little cloth actually worn by any of the models. 

And the advertisers also get in on the act.  In some cases there is no difference between the erotic advertisements and the Sports Illustrated photo displays.  Such is the case with DirecTV’s 10 pages of ads portraying degrading images of nearly nude women in sexual poses. 

Then there is a six page pull-out ad for Dodge Ram.  This ad replicates the iconic painting of George Washington, Crossing the Delaware.  You can probably visualize this famous painting of then General Washington standing majestically near the bow of a boat with a small crew of soldiers crossing the river during the Revolutionary War.  Only the Dodge ad replaces the Father of our Country with a woman in a bikini standing in the same pose as Washington.  In fact, each man featured in this epic painting is replaced with bikini-clad women in this contemptuous Dodge Ram SI Swimsuit ad.

We have noted in recent years, however, that there are fewer and fewer mainline corporations advertising in Sports Illustrated swimsuit.   We believe that, as you have stood with us, we have had an impact as we’ve held the advertisers accountable each year.  (For a complete list of this year’s advertisers, clickhere.)

However, we are again targeting a number of companies who need to hear from you. 

Click hereto send a message to these companies empowering this trash.

In addition, there is something else you can do.  Sports Illustrated Swimsuit is most likely on display in a store near you – even in “family” shopping centers.  You may think it’s impossible to affect change when the magazine is so widespread.  However, one person can make a difference! 

For example, we know of one woman who monitors her local Wal-Mart not only for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit magazine, but also the Sports Illustrated swimsuit calendar.  She kindly but firmly speaks to the store manager when she has found such concerning material on display.  After learning this year’s SI Swimsuit magazine was on display in her local Wal-Mart, she again spoke to the manager who remembered her concern from previous conversations.  He said he didn’t realize the magazine had been stocked by the vendor and stated he would remove it right away!

One person spoke out and now countless children, young people, men and women will not be exposed to this pornographic display in this family marketplace!

You, too, can make an impact in your corner.  We urge you to speak out against SI Swimsuit magazine in stores where you find it.  Take it to the store manager/owner and express your concern about such material in the place you and your family shop. 

When we step out in weakness but in faith, God often does his best work in us and through us.  Take a stand for righteousness today.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.   

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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