Our message yesterday regarding Governor Snyder entitled: Snyder OK with Syrian refugees already enroute was an action alert calling for a call to the Governor’s office.
My apology is this: I provided the wrong phone number. Here is the correct one. 517-373-3400. Some of you tried to call and you couldn’t get through. I am deeply sorry. Please forgive my failure and make your call today.
Your call is needed, especially in light of the following information from a very recent interview between Frank Gaffney and Fox News contributor Dr. Monica Crowley on the subject of Syrian refugees as the Islamic Trojan horse:
Monica Crowley: The Islamic jihadi enemy always tells you who they are, what they believe, what they intend to do, and how they intend to behave. They never cloud it. They never cloak it. They never disguise it. They always tell you exactly who they are.
Andy McCarthy wrote an entire book on this “Willful Blindness”. Time and again the western mind is not one to see the truth about this enemy. And so when attacks like this (the attack on Paris) happen after decades, after millennia, of the enemy telling us who they are and what they intend to do, we’re still “shocked” by this. And, that is in large part the problem. If we continue with this willful blindness we’re sunk.
Frank Gaffney: I’m not sure you can fight effectively if you can’t identify what it’s objectives are and how it is going to conduct itself. … We continue at the highest levels of government to obscure from our people the true nature of the enemy. You’re hearing in addition the United States Government, the President and his immediate subordinates saying that – not withstanding the evidence that surely there was some involvement in this attack by people who had managed to get into Europe for the purpose of conducting these kinds of jihadist assaults, namely refugees or migrants that had been accommodated in Europe – that the U.S. Government is still going to bring refugees from Syria and we’re assured rather blindly, I think, that we’ll be able to vet out any jihadists among them.
What we are seeing now is the murder/suicide of Europe and soon to come to our shores the murder/suicide of the United States. This is the murder/suicide of the west. This is the global jihadi movement. What you are seeing happening across central and western Europe is not a refugee crisis. In fact I'm going to write my column in The Washington Times about this and thought about what I witnessed because several weeks ago I was in Central Europe. I was in Vienna. I went to the Vienna train station as well as the main refugee camp about 20 minutes outside of Vienna to see this for myself. At least 10,000 people coming into that train station a day at the time. It has not subsided.
What you are seeing here this is not a refugee crisis, this is an invasion. This is what in Islam is referred to as HIJRA. HIJRA is a core part of jihad. No weapons necessary to this point. Why? Because this is conquest through migration which goes all the way back to the Prophet Muhammad, of course. This is what we are seeing. Are there some people fleeing the Syrian war and persecution? Sure, but they are the distinct minority. Only 10% of those coming into Europeare Syrian in origin and the rest are coming from North Africa and the rest of the Middle East. This is an invasion. This is an Islamic Trojan horse and to have this administration talk about taking in about 10,000 over the last couple of days, but then their target goal of 200,000 and you know, Frank, when it comes to this administration that's just the beginning – and by the way, there is no screening process. … There is no screening process.
Here are key talking points:
Yesterday (11.16.15) Governor Snyder stated that he would not be stopping or vetting about 20 Syrian refugees already in the pipeline to come into the state of Michigan.
So even though Sunday (11.15.15) Governor Snyder said he is suspending Syrian refugee efforts, yesterday he says he is going to allow without further vetting about 20 Syrian refugees already in the pipeline.
Keep in mind the following: It only takes one such refugee with evil intentions.
Ahmad Al Mohammad, 25, who blew himself up, may have entered Europe as part of the migration of refugees from war-torn Syria. He was born in Idlib, Syria, and had been issued a Syrian emergency passport after landing on the Greek island of Leros, according to CNN.
Call Governor Rick Snyder’s office today and tell him suspending the influx of Syrian refugees while allowing those who are in the pipeline does not go far enough to keep the people of this state safe.
Call Governor Rick’s Snyder’s office at: 517-373-3400
This is a pass along (forward to others) email alert. Please take action today.
Whether this is your governor or not, this is your country. Potential breakdowns have the potential of affecting us all.
Other points to keep in mind:
Why is it that this statement from the Chairman of the House Homeland Security doesn’t give the signal to Governor Rick Snyder and the President of the United States the message that it is intended to give:
Quoting Michael McCaul, Chairman of DHS:
“The President wants to surge thousands of Syrian refugees into the United States, in spite of consistent intelligence community and federal law enforcement warnings that we do not have the intelligence needed to vet individuals from the conflict zone. We also know that ISIS wants to use refugee routes as cover to sneak operatives into the West. I implore the President to consult with Congress before taking any drastic action and to level with the American people about the very real security challenges we face.”
And this just in: “Big List: All these terror attacks in U.S. Covered up by Feds” IMPORTANT READ – Click Here
Quoting the Detroit News:
Unlike other governors, Snyder hasn't said outright he opposes attempts to relocate Syrians inMichigan, even though he is suspending his own efforts to bring more to the state.
Several governors refuse to relocate Syrian refugees after Paris attacks
Several governors say that they will not resettle any refugees from Syria in their states, amid reports that at least one of the Paris attackers slipped through Europe’s immigration system and concerns about “gaping holes” impacting America’s screening process.
On Monday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced that he sent a letter to President Obama saying that Texas will not take any Syrian refugees in light of the attacks.
"Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity," Abbott wrote. "As such, opening our door to them irresponsibly exposes our fellow Americans to unacceptable peril."
He joined a growing list of governors who have said they will not resettle Syrian refugees, including Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson in opposing the move, who said Monday in a tweet, "As Governor I will oppose Syrian refugees being located to Arkansas…”
Be reminded of comments made by Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Michael McCaul quoted above.
Also,John Guandolo, a former FBI agent who specializes in Islamic terrorism, stated: “Michigan, Massachusetts and Minnesota are three states that appear to be putting up the least resistance to Islamization.”
Please call Michigan Governor Rick Snyder today at: 517-373-3400.
On another note, please consider this important match challenge request.
This challenge and offer is written by an anonymous donor:
After much prayer and evaluation we have decided to offer a match up to $10,000 for all new givers (someone who hasn’t given since 12/31/13) who give in response to a matching appeal between now and 12/31/15.
Please prayerfully consider and stand with us as generously as God leads. Thanks, friend in Christ!
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