Nuclear Fallout

By: American Decency Staff

I’m old enough to remember the first Iranian hostage crisis. In 1979, fifty-two Americans were taken hostage when Iranian terrorists overran the U.S. Embassy in Tehran. These Americans were held by the Iranian regime and endured horrific physical and psychological torture for 444 days. 

Even though that took place 35 years ago when I was just a freshman in high school, I didn’t need to research the number of days our hostages were held captive in Iran. I suspect many Americans of my generation and older would also remember. The number “444” is still fresh in my memory because every single night on the evening news Walter Cronkite and his other network counterparts reminded viewers of the number of days these Americans were held as we saw Iranian videos of blindfolded hostages being taunted by their captors. It was a lead story day after day that roused American outrage and anger – so much so that to this day Jimmy Carter cites the failed attempts to rescue them as the reason he lost his presidential reelection bid.

Thirty-five years later we again have several Americans held hostage in Iran subjected to even more horrific torture.   Yet the evening news is silent when it comes to their plight. There is no running record of their days (now years) in captivity. The Obama administration will trade terrorists for a traitor, but when sitting across the negotiation table with Iranian leaders, Secretary of State John Kerry doesn’t even demand their release. As Gary Bauer wrote, “That should have been the bare minimum Iran gave us in return for $100 billion in sanctions relief.”

Rick Kupke is an American who has followed America’s dealings with Iran closely. As Kupke stated: “Letting the four hostages just sit there — I think that’s a horrible thing to do. An American hostage is an American hostage and not a low priority.”

Rick Kupke has a personal interest because he was one of the 52 Americans taken hostage in Iran in 1979. In an interview with the Texas Star-Telegram, Kupke stated that he and his fellow former hostages are very alarmed over President Obama’s deal with Iran. 

“This is probably the worst agreement of this kind I’ve seen in my lifetime,” said Kupke. “I don’t know why they think the Iranians are going to abide by any agreement. They never have. I think it’s going to trigger a nuclear arms race … because everyone in the area is going to want to stay even with the Iranians as they violate the agreement.”

Kupke went on to warn: “Once they get this infusion of tens and tens of billions of dollars, I think everybody knows they will… probably start a war with Israel so they can wipe them out. We are putting trust in a nation that sponsors terrorism. I don’t understand why we are doing that.”

Rick Kupke isn’t the only one who doesn’t understand why we are doing that. A recent Quinnipiac national poll found that American voters oppose the nuclear pact with Iran by a margin of 57 – 28 percent, with only lukewarm support from Democrats and overwhelming opposition for Republicans and independent voters. Voters say, 58 – 30 percent, the nuclear pact will make the world less safe.

Even some high-profile Democrats oppose this deal which not only gives Iran $100 billion to use for arms buildup and terrorist activity, but also, amazingly, allows Iran to “self-inspect” their nuclear sites. In a classic example of the fox guarding the henhouse, as the AP reports, “Iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate a site it has been accused of using to develop nuclear arms …”

One of the Democrats opposing this deal is Senator Robert Menendez, former chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Menedez stated in a powerful speech: “This is one of the most serious national security, nuclear nonproliferation, arms control issues of our time. . . .

“Frankly, in my view, the overall sanctions relief being provided . . . along with the lifting of the arms and missile embargo well before Iranian compliance over years is established, leaves us in a weak position. . . .

“The agreement that has been reached failed to achieve the one thing it set out to achieve — it failed to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons state at a time of its choosing. In fact, it authorizes and supports the very road map Iran will need to arrive at its target. …

Maybe Iran will desist from its nuclear ambitions. Maybe they’ll stop exporting and supporting terrorism. Maybe they’ll stop holding innocent Americans hostage. Maybe they’ll stop burning American flags. And maybe their leadership will stop chanting, ‘Death to America’ in the streets of Tehran. Or maybe they won’t. . .

On January 20, 1981 when the 52 hostages were finally released, they were led through a gauntlet of Iranians shouting “Death to America.” Thirty-four years later Iranians are still chanting “Death to America” even as they celebrate in the streets our capitulation.   If President Obama’s deal is implemented, those chants may become reality.

Call your members of Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell them to oppose the Iranian Nuclear deal.

For further reading:

More Than 200 Retired Generals and Admirals Sign Letter Opposing the Iran Deal

Nuke Deal Gives Both Iran and Russia Access to Military Technology Dangerous to America and Israel


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