“My New Year Wish for America”

By: American Decency Staff

Christmas gatherings with others.

If you were engaged in a Christmas party of any sort, you may have heard/seen others engaged in conversations about issues of our day.

One of the things that is most hurtful to a parent and/or a grandparent is to hear/see views from their loved ones that seemingly are laced with deception. 

3 John 1:4states: I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth.

Discernment is of high importance in our lives and in those that we train, teach, disciple.   May God help us. 

A verse that I find myself regularly drawn to isThey failed to teach the difference between the holy and the profane.  Ezekiel 22:26.

We are increasingly living in a day of great moral confusion and deception – including matters pertaining to Islamism, immigration, political candidates and their positions on these concerns. 

One thing particularly clear is that  if you allow yourself to be instructed, or preached to by a deceiver (especially if they are a cunning deceiver), you can be sure you aren’t getting the truth.

In fact, one of the areas where many are clueless is in regard to one of the tenets of Sharia:  the use of Muslims to deceive (lie) to infiltrate opposition  – known as taqiyya. 

People (most of us) are easily deceived.  In times like this, where so much is hanging in the balance both societally and individually, it is perhaps more important than ever to have understanding.

It is in this vein that I share the following article from Nonie Darwish in an article entitled “My New Year Wish List for America”.  Darwish was born in Cairo, Egypt and the author of three books: 

Now They Call Me Infidel;
The Devil We Don't Know:  The Dark Side of Revolutions in the Middle East
Why I Renounced Jihad for America, … The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law

Quoting Nona Darwish in an article with Pamela Geller at: pamelageller.com

“My New Year Wish List for America”

I wish Americans would stop using the word “racist.” It is hostile, offensive, meaningless and vulgar. It is similar to the Islamic word “kafir” or infidel, designed to degrade and silence speech.

I wish America would not shy away from teaching that all cultures and religions are not equal, especially in their adherence to values of human rights and individual freedoms.

I wish America would reject any religion or ideology that commands the killing of apostates or members who leave it; such is not a religion, but a dangerous cult that must never be given equal treatment and respect with Biblical-based faiths.

I wish the US mainstream media would have the self-discipline to stop competing with politicians over steering the direction of government and would get back to reporting on government, culture, society, individuals, trends or whatever.

I wish Americans would aspire for equality of opportunity and not for equality of results. Aspiring for equality of results will always be a losing battle. The world was never designed for equality, and even babies at birth are not all born equally healthy, with the same good/bad parents, same abilities, talent or genes. So politicians who advocate equality of results need to be reminded of the good old Serenity Prayer to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.

I wish Americans would encourage and train their sons and daughters to value marriage, having babies, and family.

I wish American politicians would give up on relying on “moderate Muslims” and “moderate Muslim governments” to help destroy ISIS. Moderate Muslims have learned to live with Islam as enablers and defenders, and have lost the battle with reforming Islam long ago.

I wish that American politicians and media would broadcast the daily threats and reckless statements by Muslim religious and political leaders, the same way they report on Christian and Jewish leaders. It would be great if the West held the Islamic educational system responsible for incitement to commit terror.




As you may know, an anonymous donor has offered a match challenge which will double any gifts we receive from new givers or those who haven’t given since 2013.  In order to qualify for the match grant, gifts must be received by December 31, 2015.

Your gift will be a great encouragement.  Please help us stay in the fight for truth.

If you would prefer to mail a donation, our mailing address is listed below:

American Decency Association
PO Box 202
Fremont MI 49412

We have reached a total of $6,464 in our goal of $10,000 towards the match grant.

We are now $3,536  short of the goal laid out by an anonymous donor.



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