My hope is not in man, or government but in …

By: American Decency Staff

I like many of you am a Christian activist by heart and calling.   I have picketed Planned Parenthood, many porn shops.  Our ADA has encouraged many advertisers to stop sponsoring indecent television shows.

We as Christians are called to be the salt and light – not to hide our light under a bushel but to let it shine!

But I know that my hope is not found ultimately in man and certainly not in government but only in Christ and Christ alone.

The hope of the world IS JESUS!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  John 3:16

This may sound predictable. If it does to you, be really, really careful here.  There is a God in Heaven and He is alive and vital. 

I know because I once was a blind-man lost in secularism, pornography, a proud agnostic. 

He came to set the captive free.  The calling and the work of American Decency pours out from a life truly changed. 

He came to set the captive free!


We have reached a total of $4,884 in our goal of $10,000 towards the match grant.

We are now $5,116 short of the goal laid out by an anonymous donor.

Dear friend:  If our ministry has MINISTERED into your life in this last year, we are calling out to you to let us know by making a year-end gift to us today (or before December 31). 

Your gift likely will be doubled by a match challenge recently extended to us to assist us in finishing the year with greater strength.

Please consider this important match challenge request.  Click here to support our ministry efforts.

This challenge and offer is written by an anonymous donor:

After much prayer and evaluation we have decided to offer a match up to $10,000 for all new givers (someone who hasn’t given since 12/31/13) who give in response to a matching appeal between now and 12/31/15. 

Please prayerfully consider and stand with us as generously as God leads.  Thanks, friend in Christ!

Click here to support our ministry efforts.

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To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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