Mayor Duggan jeopardizes safety

By: American Decency Staff

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In a front page article in the Detroit Free Pressentitled:  Detroit Mayor:  Our city welcomes refugees, the Detroit Mayor says that Detroit welcomes refugees and further that he is confident in the vetting process to screen out potential security threats. 

This flies in the face of other typically liberal voices:

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough stated:

"Democrats don't know where to begin. Foreign policy experts don't know where to begin. . . [Obama is] radically out of step with where the American people are, where our allies are, where foreign policy experts are," he added. Indeed he is.

Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, echoed those concerns. On CBS's "Face the Nation" Sunday, Feinstein said: 

"I don't think [Obama's] approach is sufficient to [do] the job. . . I'm concerned that we don't have the time, and we don't have years. We need to be aggressive now, because [ISIS] is a quasi-state. [ISIS] has 30,000 fighters. It's got a civil infrastructure. It's got funding. It's spreading in other countries. And it's a big, big problem."

According to a new Fox News poll, 83% of Americans think it is likely that ISIS will attempt to attack America in the near future. President Obama's refusal to acknowledge and counter the threats facing the United States and Western Civilization is likely contributing to the fear and anxiety that Americans are feeling. 

There is less and less trust even in some corners of the left that Obama is capable or willing to steer the ship of state through these storm-filled waters. 

The city of Brussels — the capital of Belgium, seat of the European Parliament and NATO headquarters — is on lockdown for the third straight day. And the prime minister just announced that it will stay on lockdown for at least a week. Major U.S. cities, like New York, are doing drills for possible terrorist scenarios. Intelligence reports suggest a chemical or biological attack could be next. 

Detroit Mayor Duggan is starting to sound like President Obama – downplaying the threat from the Islamic State. 

Gary Bauer, President of Campaign for WorkingFamilies stated what many have also been articulating:  The government's first responsibility is to secure the homeland and not subject its citizens to unnecessary risks. Yet this is condemned by the president, many of his allies and leading media personalities. 

The left seems to have an immune deficiency disease that makes it incapable of protecting people from the virulent virus of radical Islam. 

It is now widely reported that the director of the FBI and the secretary of Homeland Security have publicly acknowledged the severe limitations to vetting these refugees. By the way, Obama's secretary of defense says we need to be watching our southern border too.

One ISIS operative has claimed that "more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had made it into western nations, hidden among innocent refugees." Turkish authorities today detained eight "refugees" at the Istanbul airport suspected of being ISIS fighters. 

According to one analysis, nearly 70 individuals have been arrested in America and charged with supporting ISIS, including several "refugees." Remember the Boston Marathon bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers? They came here as refugees. They became killers. 

By the way, downtown Detroit is 13 miles away from Hamtramck recently touted as

Shariahville, USA. In a recent election, it became the first Muslim majority city council in America (4 of 6).

President Obama recently ridiculed those who have concerns regarding safety and security for their loved ones by stating:

"Apparently, they’re scared of widows and orphans coming into the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion. First, they were worried about the press being too tough on them during debates.  Now they’re worried about three-year-old orphans.  That doesn’t sound very tough to me," Obama said in Manila in a joint press conference with Philippine President Benigno Aquino.

Yet, interestingly it has been noted that when the president leaves the White House he is surrounded by Secret Service with helicopter(s) overhead and ushered into a limousine and surrounded by a caravan of other vehicles.   

Quoting a man I highly regard, John Guandolo, a former FBI agent who specializes in Islamic terrorism, “Michigan, Massachusetts and Minnesota are three states that appear to be putting up the least resistance to Islamization.”

How did Paris become Islamized and terrorized? 

Is Detroit on a similar path (In 2010 four Metro Detroit counties had at least 200,000 people of Middle Eastern origin. Bobby Ghosh of TIME said that some estimates gave much larger numbers. From 1990 to 2000 the percentage of people speaking Arabic in the home increased by 90% in the WayneOakland, and Macomb counties region, with a 106% increase in Wayne County, a 99.5% increase in Macomb County, and a 41% increase in Oakland County. Wikipedia

Read above and click this action link to send a letter to Detroit Mayor Duggan.

Also, call Mayor Duggan at:
Phone: (313) 224-3400

Or write:

Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan
2 Woodward Avenue, Suite 1126
Detroit, MI 48226

Lastly for Michigan citizens: 

We asked the MI legislators (and Governor Snyder) to introduce, sign and approve this Resolution to secure our First Amendment rights (Speech, Conscience and practice of Religion) in light of the most recent Supreme Court Ruling, which introduced a new liberty that is supposed to supercede the First Amendment rights. This is not the whole battle for us because we know that we need to influence culture in every realm, speaking one to one in love to everyone we know and meet.  But, as good stewards, we need to utilize our current freedoms (that other countries don't have and therefore can't use), not wasting our opportunities to retain liberties that we already have.  As the Church, we have been silent too long, we have been removed from Government, Arts & Entertainment and other influential spheres of our culture…to the extent that we now are trying to play catch-up.  We must do what we can now, or our children will suffer greatly.  The blood and wrong-doing will be on our hands because we failed to do the little that we could have done, like just STANDING AT A RALLY.  That's as easy as this is.  And, hopefully, we will take back the other spheres of our culture so that God's Spirit will naturally win souls and promote His Kingdom.

Please promote this event, attend this event, and pray for God's mercy and grace to prevail.

Click here to see the flyer and resolution.

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