Light Wins: Come – be with us! The cause is Christ!

By: American Decency Staff

The excitement grows and builds:  The eager anticipation for tomorrow night’s powerfully relevant messages will come to a reality. 

It’s not too late to register right here – right now for ADA’s annual conference.

Am I over exaggerating?  Absolutely, not. 

We have speakers who have put their lives on the line for life and liberty. 

Over dramatic?  Not if you pay even a modicum of attention to the news – particularly if you have learned that mainstream media is only a mouth piece for the Obama administration – and you get your information from other sources.

You and I have so many pulls.  Your time is important.  If you have any concern at all regarding the increasing level of spiritual warfare that is upon us, you should make the “sacrifice” and stand up with us.   Stand up?  Yes – stand up.  I say stand up because your presence with us SHOWS that you get it and you care and want to hear the heart cry from two preeminent warriors for truth and a pastor bringing God’s encouraging, strengthening message for such a time as this.

Major (Ret) Stephen C. Coughlin is an enemy of the Islamists (CAIR, Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS).   So much so that these enemies of America found a way to have him removed as the top trainer of American military forces regarding the teaching and instructing of all branches of the military to identify Islamists as terrorists.  

The US military still doesn’t have a strategy against ISIS because they refuse to identify the enemy as the enemy.  Coughlin is one of our nation’s leading weapons in identifying the enemy. His new book release, “Catastrophic Failure,” is heavily researched and documented and is an important resource for those who want to understand the threat to America and to the world by Sharia, Civilization Jihad, the Koran, ISIS, etc..  

Janet Porter engages, stands, speaks out, organizes, and calls people to specific action to oppose those who destroy babies and degrade marriage.

Pastor Anthony Moore engages his congregation with Biblical truth and preaches God’s Word richly and fully as God leads him.  He is bent upon revealing God for who He is:  A God of grace, truth, love, and hope! 

Will this conference be “woe is me, what’s the use?” 

Is God a God of loss and defeat?  No, our God is the Almighty God!  We believe that light wins and we fight out of His victory!

This conference will not be “woe is me!”

Register today.

We encourage you to join us on Friday evening, July 31, 2015 in Grand Rapids, MI at Sunshine Community Church for “Light Wins” – ADA’s Annual Conference.

Cost: Free will offering

Friday, July 31, 2015
6:30pm to 9:30pm

Sunshine Community Church
3300 E Beltline Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

To Register:
Online: Click Here
Call: 231-924-4050

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To support efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.   

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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