Kenyan leaders to Obama: Don’t lecture us on gay ‘marriage’

By: American Decency Staff

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Kenyan National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi and four other legislators have warned US President Barack Obama against promoting homosexual "rights" in his visit to the country this month.

“Individual rights must not violate the rights of others,” Muturi said. “Those advancing gay rights must similarly appreciate our Christian, Islamic and African traditional values which abhor homosexuality.”

Pointing out that sodomy is a criminal offence in Kenya, Muturi said his government has the right to “sanction any advances perceived to encroach on our social fabric” and that he believes advocacy of same-sex "marriage" is a form of Western ideological oppression disguised as human rights.

“Liberal thoughts are being entertained in some countries under the guise of human rights," Muturi said. "We must be vigilant and guard against this, because we have a responsibility to our children, and our children's children. We must lead an upright society. We must not allow certain of these obnoxious practices.”

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