Since the inception of America, we as a people have cared about life. Historian David Barton reminds us that "The Founding Fathers wrote and talked about abortion. … James Wilson said that human life is protected by common law, and John Witherspoon explained that in America, people know that God creates life, not parents. Therefore, you can't take a life that doesn't belong to you." Even as we look at our Declaration of Independence we read, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
We invite you to join the Newaygo County Right to Life (Walk for Life) this Friday, which starts at the American Decency Association (203 E. Main St., Fremont, MI). At 4:30 pm we will begin walking from the ADA building to the Veteran’s Park and then back to the ADA building for snacks and a short film entitled, “40.”
You are encouraged to make your own sign to carry during the walk. You can use one of these slogans or come up with your own using one of these to get your creative juices flowing. “Choose Life.” “Respect life: from the womb to the tomb.” “Smile! Your parents chose life.” “Life is Beautiful.” “Adoption: the love option!”
“40” is a very informative film that speaks to the issues surrounding abortion. It speaks truth into the issues by people who have experienced the pain and trauma, seen the truth, and have been changed by it.
Ronald Reagan, in promoting life, said, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” Show that you care about life; encourage your community to care about life. Invite your friends, family, church, or other groups you are a part of; get them to walk with you. Walk with us; walk for life!
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