Join us this Friday for WAR against Human Trafficking
By: American Decency Staff
Thanks to Las Vegas, the state of Nevada is number one in the nation for human trafficking. Perhaps you’ll be as shocked as I was to learn that Michigan is ranked number two. That should bother you greatly; I trust you’ll take this opportunity to get informed. Please join the American Decency Association as we partner with Woman At Risk, Int’l (WAR) to inform the public about human trafficking and what can be done to help bring an end to it.
At 7:00 pm on Friday, March 13, 2015, Jennifer Colby, a representative from WAR Int’l, will be at the ADA headquarters, located at 203 E. Main Street in Fremont, Michigan.She will be sharing what their organization does globally to hinder this terrible crime against humanity and share practical ways that one can help.She’ll also give signs to look for and what you should do if you suspect that someone is caught up in the sex trade.Jennifer will also have items on display before and after this event.
The modern day slave trade is more prevalent than most realize because it’s not talked about and you could be walking past a victim and never know that they are a slave.It’s something that’s not comfortable to discuss or even think about, but it’s real and it affects us in the same way that abortion and other violent crimes against humanity are real and affect each of us.
These are people just like you and me; they have families, likes, dislikes, hopes, and fears. They get hungry and thirsty, hot and cold, and each is created in the image of God. Some of these souls have been kidnapped, sold by family members, threatened, coerced, or forced into the sex trade. “Our children are especially at risk – 40% of human trafficking cases involve the sexual exploitation of a child.” (Taken from the Michigan Attorney General Bill Schutte’s webpage on human trafficking. For more information on human trafficking and what Michigan is doing to stop it, click here.
This is a real problem that needs to be addressed in the public square; it needs real and practical solutions; it cannot just be left up to politicians and law enforcement agencies.Like most problems, awareness and being informed are big issues; followed by asking, “What can I do about it?”
This is why we at American Decency are providing this opportunity and we hope you will join us in being informed then taking steps to help those who cannot help themselves. Please come this Friday, March 13, at 7:00 pm. Bring some friends with you, and carry this information back out into society, shining light onto this dark and dangerous activity.
To watch the news report or read the story about Michigan being number two in human trafficking, click here.
For more information about this event, please call us at 231-924-4050.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.