One of the benefits of getting older is the recognition of the fragileness of life and how our situations in life can change on a dime.
Many things show us that today. I'm sure each of us have our own examples in our lives.
Even while writing this it occurs to me that perhaps someone receiving this may have been impacted by the tragic 193 vehicle pileup on I-94 between Kalamazoo and Battle Creek last Friday.
In my case, Jan and I were on the road on a quick trip into Pennsylvania and back. We were made aware of what was taking place on I-94 and of the smaller, but still large, pileup that took place on M-23.
We prayed! When you hear about such a frightening situation and you're on the road yourself, it's a reminder of how easily something like that could happen to any one of us.
This much we know. There is much in the news that gets our attention regarding the death and killings of innocent people – young and old alike – both near and far – tragedies like the I-94 pile-up, the assassination of two NYPD officers, or the murder of 17 in Paris, just to name a few.
Do we really believe that God is in control of those situations? It is His grace alone that stands between us and these tragedies, yet we often take that grace for granted.
Many verses come to mind. Here’s but one from Matthew 6:23.
"…but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!"
Not only is that true for an individual, but it is true for a nation. The church needs to live up to its calling and the simplest, yet most impacting, thing that the church can do is pray!
We need God’s help.
That’s what our meeting is about Friday night at 7:00 PM in Fremont with former pastor, author, and servant of God, Dr. Terry Slachter.
In the Old Testament, the remnant is referred to as a smallish group. We aren’t looking for large numbers, but rather for people who love the Lord, His Word, the church, their families, and their nation.
You’ll recall the verse from Ezekiel 22:26 – “they failed to teach their young the difference between the profane and the holy.” We are gathering to discuss our Holy God and His ways, which includes prayer!
What: “Could Another Great Awakening Happen in 21st Century America?”
When: Friday, January 16, 2015 at 7:00 PM
Who: Dr. Terry Slachter, Executive Director of Project Phillip and Project Philip Publishing
Where: American Decency, 203 E. Main Street, Fremont, MI
Contact information: 231-924-4050 or email
In closing, I’m leaving you with a quote from a short devotional book written by Terry Slachter that gives you a taste of Terry’s passion for the church, our young people, and for our need for a reawakening in our individual lives, our church(es), our nation.
Are you fearful for the next generation? If so, begin praying for the Spirit to awaken the 21st century Church, beginning with your own church. Ask the Lord to give your pastor(s) power in preaching and teaching God’s word. Also, ask the Lord to impress upon their hearts the urgent need to pray fervently for a great awakening of the Church.
Consider forming a prayer group in your church or within your local Christian community for the younger generation who have walked away from the Christian Faith. This group should also pray for college students who face challenges to their faith as they leave their nurturing homes and church environments.
We will be making Terry’s book available at our gathering on Friday night.
We hope to see you Friday night for a time of spiritual challenge, fellowship, and prayer.
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231-924-4050Email us:
info@americandecency.orgWrite us:
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