Join Us for Our Second Annual Weekend at the Shack: Bringing Christ Home

By: American Decency Staff

We here, at the American Decency Association, know the importance of family relationships and how vital it is that Christ is the center and the cement of your marriage.  We long to see spouses strengthened by keeping Christ and His Word at the core of their relationship, and to see the purity of Jesus poured through the parents into their children, thereby making the family unit a strong and united one.  It’s our privilege to assist you to this end; so, that is the focus of our second annual Weekend at the Shack.  We’ve entitled it, “Bringing Christ Home: Family and the Supremacy of Christ.”

It’s our sincere hope that you’ll join us June 5-7 for this time of refreshing and renewal, at "The Shack" in Jugville, Michigan.  This retreat is a time for looking at the Biblical ideal of family formation where Christ reigns supreme.  It will be a time for you and your spouse to set aside your hectic schedules, enjoy one another, evaluate your family goals, and hear from the Word of God about marriage, family, and Christ’s call for you to complement one another.

You’ll hear from godly men whose passion is to see your family built up in the Lord and your marriage bonds strengthened with Christ at the center of each individual and of each marriage.  Marriage is an opportunity for Christ to lead a man, who in turn sees Christ lead his wife and family, through him, into salvation and sanctification.

“Because the Christian is not his own but bought with a price, he is to aim at glorifying God in every relation of life…Next to the church of God, his own home should be the sphere of his most manifest devotion to Christ.”(A.W. Pink) With this in mind you won’t want to miss out on this time of fellowship and learning. Whether you’ve been walking with your spouse and/or Jesus for years or you’ve just begun your journey, there is spiritual and marital enrichment awaiting you at this conference.

We have speakers who deeply care about your marriage, your family, and your spiritual health.  They recognize how all these areas are intertwined and they want to see each individual of your family, and the unit as a whole, grow and become even healthier than you are. 

Rev. Bruce Kuiperworks with men in an effort to lead their families as God has called them to do.  He also promotes and helps couples to see the importance of Biblical complementarianism, where men and women recognize their God-given roles and how each role is important to the other and to the health of the family.

Rev. Ken Smithis a Christian counselor with a real burden for the family.  He’ll share about heartache and healing; you’ll see how the grace of God is manifested in a family where Christ reigns supreme.

Bill Johnson,founder and president of the American Decency Association, feels the weight of societal attacks against the family, as our culture turns further from God’s plan for marriage and the family.  He will share his concerns and his own journey in complementarianism.

These three men won’t lay a guilt trip on you; but, by the grace of God, they will show you and your spouse the road to holiness – the road to wholeness that your family needs and that you so richly desire.

Please join us June 5-7, 2015 for what promises to be a powerful weekend of timely information, fellowship, and spiritual challenge!  There are 55 rooms available for this retreat at this beautiful and serene conference center, The Shack Country Inn.

To learn more about this retreat, the speakers, the schedule and rates click here.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.   

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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