Franklin Graham stated over the weekend “If More Americans Don’t Act Like Kim Davis, THIS Will Happen.”
Davis, as you likely know by now, was jailed upon obeying her Christian conscience as Rowan (Kentucky) County Clerk rather than issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Even if the licenses are issued by a deputy clerk, they will bear the name of Kim Davis giving the impression that she has given her stamp of approval.
Just moments ago, however, Worldnetdailyreported: Kim Davis was ordered released Tuesday by a federal judge. [at least for now]
The order from Judge David L. Bunning came just a few hours before a major rally calling for her freedom.
Bunning also ordered the Rowan County clerk not to interfere when her deputy clerks issue marriage licenses.
The deputy clerks have been granting licenses to homosexual and heterosexual couples since Friday.
Bunning said he was satisfied the Rowan County clerk’s office is now complying with the recent Supreme Court decision that green-lighted “same-sex marriage” across America.
Davis’ attorney, Mat Staver, told NBC News the condition to allow deputy clerks to grant licenses to homosexuals was unlikely to suffice.
“We’re back to square one,” Staver said. “She’s been released, but there’s been no resolution.”
Davis, a Democrat, had refused to issue the licenses, as it goes against her Christian beliefs.
NBC reported Bunning had threatened “appropriate sanctions” if she didn’t continued to follow his instructions.
“That seems likely, since Davis told Bunning on Thursday, just before he ordered her jailed, that she would not allow any same sex marriage licenses to be issued from her office, even if she wasn’t the one signing them,” the report said.
Graham stated: I’m thankful and proud that Americans are standing up against the evil being forced on us. Our religious rights and freedoms are being trampled on. Clerk of Court Kim Davis in Rowan County, Kentucky, refused to issue marriage licenses for gay couples and defied the U.S. Supreme Court ruling …
We need more Americans who are willing to take a stand for religious freedoms and biblical values in communities. If we don’t, we won’t even recognize the America that our children and our grandchildren will be left with. Pray for Kim Davis and for our nation today.
There are so many quotes flying around in these days but someone recently stated “I wonder if there are enough people who have the wherewithal to stand up against evil.”
In an interview with liberal and long time Clinton advocate, George Stephanopoulos,
Mike Huckabee did a masterful job fending off Stephanopoulos’ errant arguments.
David Lane with American Renewal Project David Lane with American Renewal Project wrote insightfully this morning stating: this morning stating: “Homosexual militants once preached a libertarian argument: "Let us live our lives in the privacy of our homes and we will be content." In the last few years the homosexual movement has moved to a totalitarian posture: "Bakers, photographers, and Christian retreat centers are going to participate in our weddings or be bankrupted." The next phase of the homosexual crusade has arrived-Fascism meets Kim Davis-"You will celebrate and cheer at our weddings or spend time in jail."
“If homosexuals were simply looking for businesses to cater their weddings, many companies would gladly exchange services for dollars. But homosexuals are not looking for services, but shopping "venues" to target Christians who oppose their agenda so that they can coerce, intimidate, and make an example of those who oppose their immoral lifestyle.
“The Biblical truth is that homosexuals will personally never be joyous or fulfilled until they find Jesus Christ. They are struggling with sin.
“The tragedy for America is that the Founder's successful model which created representative government and freedom has been demolished.The Founders did things differently then. John Jay, First Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court wrote, "The people are the sovereign of America." What is becoming increasingly clear in the new world order is that the American people are only the tenants by permission of the true landlord, the pagan majority of the United States Supreme Court.
David Lane states in closing his article:
We need a Gideon or Rahab the Harlot to join Kim Davis in standing.
Let us prepare ourselves daily in the reading of His Word, in prayer – in meditation.
Our opportunity to join Mrs. Davis may be nearer than you or I think.
Christ Suffered, So Shall You
Let it never surprise us, if we have to endure mockery, and ridicule, and false reports, because we belong to Christ. The disciple is not greater than His Master, nor the servant than His Lord. If lies and insults were heaped upon our Savior, we need not wonder if the same weapons are constantly used against His people. It is one of Satan’s great devices to blacken the characters of godly men, and bring them into contempt.
~ J.C. Ryle
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