It’s time for Christians to tell the truth about abortion politics

By: American Decency Staff

This week the pro-life movement was handed a once-in-a-decade moment to change the debate on politics of abortion. Will Christians have the courage to take advantage of this opportunity?

Here is a breakdown of what happened.

Sen. Rand Paul announced his bid for the presidency on Tuesday, and by the next day reporters were already pressing him to defend his position on abortion. An Associated Press reporter asked Paul whether he would allow some exemptions in abortion policies. The senator answered,

The thing is about abortion—and about a lot of things—is that I think people get tied up in all these details of, sort of, you're this or this or that, or you're hard and fast (on) one thing or the other. I've supported both bills with and without (exceptions), you know. In general, I am pro-life. So I will support legislation that advances and shows that life is special and deserves protection.

According to Bloomberg Politics, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) pushed that interview out to reporters at 1 p.m. Within minutes Paul was asked by another reporter to respond to the DNC’s email and clarify where he stood on exemptions:

What's the DNC say? We always seen to have the debate wayyyyyy over here on what are the exact details of exceptions, or when it starts. Why don’t we ask the DNC: Is it okay to kill a seven-pound baby in the uterus? You go back and you ask [FL congresswoman and DNC chair] Debbie Wasserman Schultz if she’s OK with killing a seven-pound baby that is just not yet born yet. Ask her when life begins, and you ask Debbie when she’s willing to protect life. When you get an answer from Debbie, come back to me.

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