Husbands and Dads! You have a great responsibility; you are called to be the leader of your home. That’s not a free pass to be bossy and demanding; it means to lead through loving and example. We want to help you meet that responsibility by giving you and your wife some Biblical tools, to help you build your relationship stronger, better, and surer. That’s why we are inviting you and your spouse to our “Second Annual Weekend at the Shack” this June 5-7 in Jugville, Michigan.
Men are meant to be leaders; why do so many refuse to lead? John MacArthur nails it on the head, in the introduction of his book Being a Dad Who Leads. Regardless of the role, husband or dad, he addresses our fears, understanding how our own inadequacies haunt each of us, questioning our fitness to wear whichever “hat” we don at the time. He writes, “What makes fatherhood seem difficult are our own inconsistencies and weaknesses. That’s because parenting is first and foremost a spiritual task—one in which personal righteousness, self-control, and the mortification of our own flesh are all necessary prerequisites to proper discipline and instruction of our children. In short, the only way to be a dad who leads well is to be a dad who lives well.”
The same can be said for husbands; the only way to be a husband who leads well is to be a husband who lives well. Our God-given spouses are meant to be great helps to that end; as husbands, we are meant to love our wives, leading them in love, even as Christ loves the church. Leading our families is a huge responsibility; it’s a spiritual task, and one that cannot be done well without the leading of God’s Spirit.
Our focus for this retreat is “Bringing Christ Home: Family and the Supremacy of Christ.” This will be a good time for looking at the Biblical ideal of family formation where Christ reigns supreme. It will be a time for you and your spouse to set aside your hectic schedules, enjoy one another, evaluate your family goals, and hear from the Word of God about marriage, family, and Christ’s call for you to complement one another.
By the grace of God, a team of men have been brought together who have a passion to see your family succeed. This can only be done by making Jesus the head and center of your home; they’ll be here with Biblical guidance, showing you how to do just that. If you’ve been married for 50 years or you’re a newlywed, there’s always room for improvement, always opportunity to grow closer to the Lord and to each other. It’s our sincere hope that you’ll take advantage of this wonderful opportunity for spiritual and marital enrichment.
This trio of godly speakers is well acquainted with the pitfalls that can affect and harm your home. They know how Satan desires to destroy your family and take you captive, but praise God, they also know that the truth of God’s Word works, heals, and saves. Each of these men is equipped with godly principles and wants to share them with you.
Rev. Bruce Kuipers is president of Grace Legacy Builders in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He promotes and helps couples to see the importance of Biblical complementarianism, where men and women recognize their God-given roles and how each role is important to the other and to the health of the family. To learn more about him and his ministry, click here.
Rev. Ken Smith is a Christian counselor at the Biblical Counseling Center in Jenison, Michigan. He has a real burden for the family. He’ll share about heartache and healing; you’ll see how the grace of God is manifested in a family where Christ reigns supreme. To learn more about his ministry, click here.
Bill Johnson, founder and president of the American Decency Association, feels the weight of societal attacks against the family, as our culture turns further from God’s plan for marriage and the family. He will share his concerns and his own journey in complementarianism.
These men have a strong desire to see God glorified; to that end, they want to see you and your family walk in holiness, to know the wholeness that the Biblical family is meant to be. You won’t want to miss out on this spiritual guidance.
Another thing you won’t want to miss out on is the beautiful landscape that The Shack offers. You’ll have free time to walk with your love through the 100 acres of woods that are on the banks of Robinson Lake. The beautiful flowers, the placid lake, these all make for such a serene setting that the hassles and cares of life seem to just melt away.
There are a variety of rooms you can choose from and the home-cooked meals are mouth-watering. Each evening a banana split bar is available for overnight guests. Good food, good fun, peaceful surroundings, sound Biblical instruction, what a time of refreshing and renewal for you and your spouse. A healthy marriage leads to a healthy home; what more could you possibly do for your family?
Please join us June 5-7, 2015 for what promises to be a powerful weekend of timely information, fellowship, and spiritual challenge! There are only 55 rooms available for this retreat, so call The Shack Country Inn at 231-924-6683 to reserve yours today. After reserving your room, please call the ADA at 231-924-4050 to let us know you’ll be attending.
To learn more about the schedule and rates click here.
For other information about this marriage conference, call American Decency at 231-924-4050.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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