Heroes in our midst: July 31

By: American Decency Staff

When I left my teaching position (I taught in the public schools for 18 years in Michigan:  Portland, Berrien Springs, Lakewood, Fremont), to go into full time ministry – first as American Family Association’s first named full-time state director and then later founding American Decency Association, I had no idea what would lie ahead.  Now after twenty-seven years in ministry I would easily say that one of the greatest things that God had in store for me has been the many people that I have met. 

Though often unknown to the world, there are numbers behind-the-scenes serving, giving, praying, feeding, and sharing Christ’s love. 

There are also those that somehow have been pushed out into the broader arena to stand up and speak out.   I have many times named AFA Founder Donald E. Wildmon as one of those individuals who made a difference in my life.   How I thank God for his selflessness, boldness, and vision in his many years of ministry with the firm hand of integrity. 

Please hear me.  Janet Porter is another such person.  Janet is a one-of-a-kind warrior for Jesus Christ.  Never say quit, Janet fought the fight to uphold marriage perhaps harder than anyone in America.  Right up until the very, very end. 

She also hosted a major press conference on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court back on April 26 (the day before the court heard arguments in regard to marriage).   And, so much more. Relentlessly, tirelessly, she labored.  Many even in the largest ministry ranks said that her efforts were futile.  Janet’s words were basically something like – if God could work a miracle through David, he can work a miracle through our humble efforts, if He wills. 

Janet via her passion and love for Christ, electrifies her listening audiences.   Her title at our annual conference is aptly:  “Light Wins:  How to overcome the criminalization of Christianity.”     I hope you understand that this is the ground that lies ahead.  We are blessed to have Janet at such a time as this.

Steve Coughlin is our second scheduled speaker for this coming Friday evening.  As Janet has fought harder than most on the marriage front, Steve Coughlin has fought for our national security (and has been on Capitol Hill in recent weeks).   He has dedicated the last number of years to helping high level military and government officials understand our enemy (ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Boko Haram) so they can identify the enemy as the enemy and fight with the intention of fighting to win!!  

We will have heroes in our midst.   Bring your family.  Bring your friends. Bring your loved ones.   Lovingly encourage your pastor to come! 

We will close out the evening with a strong message of encouragement and strengthening from Pastor Anthony Moore out of the greater Washington, DC area.  A man of God preaching from II Kings 6:1-7. 

We encourage you to join us on Friday evening, July 31, 2015 in Grand Rapids, MI at Sunshine Community Church for “Light Wins” – ADA’s Annual Conference.

Cost: Free will offering.

Friday, July 31, 2015
6:30pm to 9:30pm

Sunshine Community Church
3300 E Beltline Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

To Register:

Online: Click Here
Call: 231-924-4050
Email: kimberly@americandecency.org

Visit us at AmericanDecency.org

To support efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.   

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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