If you’re looking for something to do on Valentine’s Day try the faith-based movie “Old Fashioned.” This independent film draws modern men and women back to values of a by-gone era, values like chivalry and respectful love.
Rik Swartzwelder, the film’s writer, director, and lead actor states, [It’s] “A story that, without apology, explores the possibility of a higher standard in relationships; yet, is also fully aware of just how fragile we all are and doesn’t seek to heap guilt upon those of us that have made mistakes.” (Emphasis mine) Click hereto see the trailer.
“Old fashioned is a faith-based story about Clay, a former frat boy whose relationship with Christ impacts the way he looks at life and relationships; and Amber, a free-spirited woman who has felt the pain of dating relationships. Together, the attempt the impossible: an old-fashioned courtship in contemporary America!”
It’s very important to make a good showing of support for this film the first weekend it’s out; this sets the stage for how long theaters will make it available and gauges its success. So, encourage your friends and family to go see it this weekend.
This movie is opening nation-wide this weekend. To find a theater near you and/or purchase tickets click here.
A promotional brochure for Old Fashioned states:
As Christian leaders, shouldn’t we be … uncomfortable with the thought of Fifty Shades of Grey impacting our culture? This upcoming battle for the hearts and minds of people presents churches with a unique opportunity to lead the way. We can have our voices heard, boldly affirming the biblical truth that God’s plan for love – a beautiful path to relationships filled with forgiveness, healing, and grace – is the best choice.
Old Fashionedis a relevant, powerful story that presents a clear and entertaining vision of what love and respect can be right here, right now … and that is something our world desperately needs. Meaningful conversation and positive action surrounding these topics is long overdue. And it can start with a trip to the movie theater.
The creators of Old Fashioned have provided ideas of ways you can encourage others to support this movie. We’ve listed some below.
What You Can Do:
· Host a couples’ night out starting with dinner at your church, followed by the movie – your youth ministry can even provide free babysitting!
· Offer four tickets for the price of two to encourage couples from your church to go on double dates with their unchurched friends
· Have a group Valentine’s date for your Singles ministry and/or high school and college ministries
· Mother-Daughter (or Father-Son) movie night including coffee and a guided discussion of what Godly romance and relationships truly look like
· You can find more ideas at OldFashionedMovie.com/Resources
And for those in the West Michigan area, here is another important event we encourage you to attend:
The Resurrection On Trial
Easter is just around the corner and will be here before you know it. There are many who are more skeptical about the resurrection of Jesus Christ than the existence of the Easter Bunny. After all, if the resurrection is not treated with skepticism or deniability then there can be no question of the divinity of Jesus Christ; you cannot deny that He is the very Son of God.
The Resurrection on Trialis a dramatic presentation that brings eight Biblical-historical figures from the New Testament era to a courtroom to have their personal testimony examined, for an honest review by the audience. This forum, elsewhere, has given an excellent challenge to the thinking public. The audience is the jury and will receive a jury ballot so that every individual can decide.
Come and listen to these eight testimonies, hear the two attorneys, see the one judge, and weigh the two choices. You must decide for yourself; did Jesus Christ really rise from the grave?
This exciting trial will take place on March 5-7, 2015. Don’t just come by yourself; invite your friends and family, invite the skeptic and the unsure. To get tickets for this event which will take place at the Jenison Center for the Arts go to www.ResOnTrial.com.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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