Do You “Get It?”

By: American Decency Staff


My concern is that many don’t realize how much is at stake regarding what happens with the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage in America. 

For most of us it’s inconceivable that we have lost so much moral/spiritual ground in such a short period of time,that we stand to lose Western Civilization as we know it.

Today and tomorrow, many will be making their way to Washington DC for the March for Marriage.  Some of them by way of buses – many of which have been chartered and

Saturday, April 25 – Washington, DC – March for Marriage   – gather at 11:30 A.M. – begins at 12:00 (noon).

I encourage you to listen to Dr. Dobson as he interview three others on yesterday’s and today’s FAMILY TALK.

Most experts are expecting the Supreme Court to strike down all laws prohibiting gay marriage in the United States when they announce their ruling this June.

The broadcast consists of a vitally important interview with Brian Brown and Maggie Gallagher of the National Organization for Marriage, and with Dr. Jim Garlow, Senior Pastor of the Skyline Church in San Diego, California. 

An article on WorldNetDaily is entitled this way:  CHRISTIANS FACING NEW STATUS AS 'HATED MINORITY' – Panel on James Dobson's Family Talk warns of fallout from Supreme Court.


"James Dobson hosted a panel of Christian leaders on his Family Talk radio show Wednesday and warned that Christians are about to face a new status in America as a 'hated minority' if the U.S. Supreme Court decides, as many expect, to mandate same-sex 'marriage.'

'The heart of what’s happening is an attempt to impose a new morality on all of America,' said Maggie Gallagher, a traditional-marriage advocate for 25 years.

The author of 'The Case for Marriage,' Gallagher is co-founder of the National Organization for Marriage and a senior fellow with the American Principles Project.

Homosexual advocates have no interest in a 'live and let live tolerance,' she said. 'After redefining marriage, the next thing on their agenda is to redefine Christianity.'

Under the new regimen there will be no difference between man and woman, husband and wife, she said.

The attitude is that if you 'see something different, there’s something morally wrong with you.'

Christianity, she said, 'will enter a new phase, as a hated minority group.'

She and several others joined Dobson to discuss the U.S. Supreme Court case in which justices, including Elena Kagan and Ruth Ginsburg, who already publicly have endorsed same-sex marriage, will hear arguments April 28."


I listened to Dr. Dobson’s Wednesday broadcast last evening. It is a must listen to today. I prayerfully urge you to listen to these and share with others.  (See the links above.)

I share this with you as I close:


The Crown of Glory for the Persecuted

"Let us gather comfort from these comfortable promises for all true-hearted servants of Christ. Persecuted, vexed, and mocked, as they are now, they shall find at length they are on the victorious side. Beset, perplexed, tried, as they sometimes are, they shall never find themselves entirely forsaken. Though cast down, they shall not be destroyed. Let them possess their souls in patience. The end of all that they see going on around them is certain, fixed, and sure. The kingdoms of this world shall yet become the kingdoms of their God and of his Christ. And when the scoffers and ungodly, who so often insulted them, are put to shame, believers shall receive a crown of glory that fades not away."

~ J.C. Ryle

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