Last week President Obama spoke at the National Prayer Breakfast. Many who listened to the president’s speech may have questioned whether this were a prayer breakfast or a roast. On second thought, it couldn’t have been a roast; roasts are humorous but there was nothing funny about the president’s false portrayal of historical Christianity. No one should be surprised by this; President Obama demeaned Christianity and insulted the Bible when he was a senator.
At the beginning of the President’s speech he stated that HIS “agenda moves slower than NASCAR,” but honestly, his agenda is moving way too fast. It seems that at every turn he either puts down our country and its faith based heritage in front of foreign dignitaries or uses the platform of the presidency so he may subtly, or often not so subtly, promote his own agendas.
He is the President of THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA; yet he disparages the people he is supposed to be representing, ignores the Constitution which he swore to uphold, and moves our country closer and closer to destruction, all the while doing what he can to divide us rather than unify us.
Under a backhanded guise to unity, our president gave warning to Christians, “And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ." He went on to compare the Christian crusaders of yesteryear to the ISIS Islamic, jihadist, terrorists of today.
The Crusaders and ISIS are basically the same? Excuse me, Mr. President, did I hear you correctly?
Granted, there were great atrocities committed against the Jews during the Crusades. There were contests to see which man could stick the most Jewish babies on his sword; there were many Muslims who lost their lives at the hand of “Christians.” Although, these misguided, sword wielding soldiers did these terrible acts in the name of Christ, they did NOT act with Christ’s blessing or authority. We must be quick and sure to point out that THIS WAS NOT BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY! They were not following the dictates of Christ; acting in violence is acting against the very precepts which Christ taught. Jesus said to love and pray for your enemy, not to kill him.
On the other hand, what is being done by the “extreme” Islamists is done in obedience to their holy book, the Koran. According to their religious book, whoever does not submit to the religion of Allah is to be put to death. Taking very young girls as a bride is allowed by their book, and the mistreatment of their women is allowed and encouraged by their scriptures. Even the Egyptian president recently called for a reformation of their religion and a cease to the killing that is being done in the name of Allah. The list could go on, but let’s not get side-tracked.
For that matter, the Crusades were, in part, a response to the bloody terror that Muslims had brought to that area of the world. They were in response to hundreds of years of Muslim aggression. The Christians were trying to free fellow believers from the jihad which had taken place. It doesn’t take much digging to see the faulty thinking behind President Obama’s statement. For a good visual of the Jihadist vs. Crusader account click hereand watch the video. As for the Inquisition, all things being equal, the president has killed more with his drones than those during the Inquisition did.
President Obama also felt it necessary to mention slavery and Jim Crow laws, certainly a stain on our nation’s history. Again though, putting down any “race” is un-Biblical; it goes against the authority of God’s Word. Actually, we are all but one race, the human race, comprised of many different people groups, and created in the image of God for His good pleasure.
Our president also stated, “We know we are stronger when people of all faiths feel welcome.” Here again, this is said in order to push his own religious agenda. This lie glosses over the fact that all religions CANNOT peacefully co-exist. Islam by the book will not tolerate other religions. The infidel is to be either put to death or made to pay a tax in order to live in the community. If we are stronger when people of all faiths feel welcome, why is it that the overwhelming majority of countries where Christians are persecuted are Muslim countries? Islam does not make Christians, or all other religions, feel welcome.
Christianity also, by the book, takes an intolerant stance for getting into heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father BUT BY ME” (Jn. 14:6). Christianity does not force others to believe, but it points out the eternal consequences of unbelief.
If indeed, the president truly feels that all faiths are welcome, why is he constantly putting our Christian heritage down, lifting up the Muslim faith, all the while pushing an anti-Biblical agenda upon our nation? Why does he regularly ignore the pleas for help from persecuted and wrongly imprisoned Christians around the world?
Do these sound like the words of a man who believes that we are stronger when all faiths feel welcome? “The future must not belong to those who would slander the prophet of Islam.” These were our president’s words which he spoke in front of the United Nations. It sounds more like a promotion of Islam than it does of “all faiths.” No, peaceful, welcoming, coexistence is not possible when two diametrically opposite views are involved.
Our Commander-in-chief also complimented our Founding Fathers, stating how wise they were because they “embraced the separation of church and state.” This is simply not the case. What he refers to is the government not pushing any particular Christian denomination upon the populace. Look through our history! Look and see the great number of times that our presidents and Congress have called for days of humiliation, fasting, and prayer. Read about the great number of times when prayer changed the outcome of a battle. Listen to our Founding Fathers as they call upon the “Hand of Providence,” “Almighty God,” and “our Creator.” No, Mr. President, the Founding Fathers did not embrace the separation of church and state. As a matter of fact, Congress desired for the Bible to be used in school rooms, and paid for the printing of it. The list goes on and on; the Founding Fathers gave praise to God for all He had done. Were they perfect? No, but they knew from Whom their blessings came.
In short, Bishop E.W. Jackson sums up our feelings well: “Mr. President, we’re not on our ‘High Horse.’ What we are is on high alert. And the American people would like to know for once, to know that you are willing to defend Christianity and America instead of defending Islam.”
Don’t be fooled; there is an underlying agenda which is being pushed. Smooth and pseudo-unifying words are being used to lull you to sleep. If we don’t wake up soon we’ll be in such a state of affairs from which there may be no waking up until it’s too late.
Most of you already understand what is going on; you are aware. The point is this; we need to be a people of prayer. President Obama often used the word humility in his speech; may he turn with humility to the one true God before it is too late. That is my prayer. We need to be praying for the president that God might move him to act even contrary to the president’s own will. After all, Proverbs 21:1 reminds us of God’s sovereignty; “The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord;he turns it wherever he will.”
We need to be faithfully lifting up our nation before the throne of God, asking Him to come down and move us once more. We are in need of revival, another Great Awakening. Great revivals of the past have only come after fervent prayer of God’s people. Regardless of what legislation we pass, regardless of how we vote, if God does not come down and move the hearts of men, our nation as a whole, all is lost. So, let us pray!
Terry Slachter’s book, “The Next Great Awakening,” is a 41 day devotional focused on prayer and revival. We encourage you to order this powerful book for yourself and to share with others, using it as a tool to pray for “The Next Great Awakening” in our nation. Click hereto order online or call us 231-924-4050.
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