This afternoon there will be a what is being called a “Teach in” at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. I will be in attendance.
Too, for those who are interested, it will be live-streamed.
The Teach-In is entitled ISIS, Terrorism & Refugees: A Teach-In at Calvin College.
Keep in mind this is Calvin College, as with many Christian colleges of the past, which was once a strong-hold of the orthodox Christian faith. Like so many, though, Calvin has drifted, leftward.
So though the topic is compelling, it makes Christians like me a bit nervous to say the least.
The event features several Calvin faculty members, but no outside experts on national security.
Bert de Vries (History & Archaeology): The Refugee Crisis in the Middle East
Doug Howard (History): ISIS and Regional Politics
Jason VanHorn (Geography): Mapping Terrorism
Frans van Liere (History & Medieval Studies): Is Islam a Violent Religion?
Perhaps, I will have to eat my words. If that is the case, I will humbly apologize at my earliest opportunity using this very forum.
I would feel much more comfortable if there were an expert on terrorism, immigration, border patrol, Islam.
My father used to tell me in my liberal years (long ago): “Bill, there is more than one point of view than the editorial page of the Detroit Free Press.”
At any rate, I only became aware of this two days ago and since I was at a Freedom Rally at the Lansing State Capitol yesterday I have not had the opportunity to get the word out much about this event that is occurring in just a few short hours.
I did, however, contact a core of activists in the Grand Rapids area letting them know of the event. As the teach-in does allow for some questions during the panel discussion.
I hope to take good notes. One of the professors on a student evaluation form is recognized as very charismatic but hugely biased with strong opinions against those who hold to a strong Biblical position.
Will this be an indoctrination session trying to soften up their audience for moving a young listening audience to accommodate to the “peaceful religion” of Islam?
The peaceful religion like we have seen in Paris and some would say like what occurred yesterday in San Bernadino, California.
Perhaps I will have to eat my words. Perhaps not. Honestly, I hope I have to humble myself and admit that I surmised when I shouldn’t have.
A true Christian college would certainly not sugar coat Islam. We’ll see.
See for yourself by viewing live stream starting at 3:30 and going until 6:00.
On another note, please consider this important match challenge request.
This challenge and offer is written by an anonymous donor:
After much prayer and evaluation we have decided to offer a match up to $10,000 for all new givers (someone who hasn’t given since 12/31/13) who give in response to a matching appeal between now and 12/31/15.
Please prayerfully consider and stand with us as generously as God leads. Thanks, friend in Christ!
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