At a CROSSroads

By: American Decency Staff

America has been at a crossroads for some time now and has been making wrong turns as she turns from the cross toward a self-centeredness which leads to destruction.  For several decades now, our wrong turns have brought us much heartache, pain, and shame.  We have turned from the aggressive (not violent) Christianityof the first century church and of our forefathers, and away from a stand for godliness and right.  And we have turned to a non-offensive, don’t cause waves Christianity of today, which stands for nothing, thereby creating troubles of our own choosing.  As we turn from our national roots and reject our spiritual heritage, we have found ourselves brought to a crossroads which has now begun the birth pangs of Christian persecution. 

While we do not experience persecution at the level of many other Christians around the world, we must recognize that John Wesley’s words are still true; What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.  Christians have tolerated the rescinding of their rights, the forsaking of their freedoms, and the loosening of their liberties.  There are several organizations which struggle to keep our freedoms alive; but the nation, as a whole, has tolerated the seizing of their freedoms, which if not checked, will result in the embracing of persecution.

The cross seems to always be in the crosshairs of those who reject Christ and at the crossroads of those who must decide which way to turn.

Recently,  I read the Voice of the Martyrs report of January 9, 2015, “At least 231 churches in one city in China withstood attacks by government officials last year. The authorities carried out a long-term campaign in which both unregistered churches and the state-approved Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) churches were targeted in Wenzhou, China. Some church buildings were required to remove exterior crosses (some by force), other buildings were seized by government officials and still others were completely demolished.”

VOM went on to say, “The governor ordered churches whose crosses were visible from highways or other major roadways to remove them by a specific date. If church refused to comply, crosses would be forcibly removed by authorities.”  If you’d like to read the full report click here.

Then, I read of how a city in North Carolina removed a sculpture of a soldier kneeling in prayer before a cross.An Army veteran in King, North Carolina had sued the town with help from the Americans United for Separation of Church and State, claiming his constitutional rights were being violated because the memorial promoted Christianity.  He also stated that “he had served alongside a diverse group of soldiers with a variety of different religious beliefs.”

Even though this sculpture was on public property,  it had been paid for with private funds.  Despite this fact, city officials voted to remove the sculpture in order to avoid mounting legal costs.  Fox News Insider reported, “As part of the agreement, the King City Council also said it would stop flying the Christian flag over the memorial and would pay $500,000 to Americans United for Separation of Church and State for the legal costs the group incurred bringing the lawsuit on behalf of local Afghanistan War veteran Steven Hewett.”  To read the whole report click here.

What about the huge cross atop Mt. Soledad in San Diego?  This is a case which has been going on for many years, since the ACLU sued the federal government because this religious symbol is at the center of a veteran’s memorial on federal land. 

Christianity and Biblical values are under attack while our nation continues to ignore the way of the cross.  The Apostle Paul would not have us be surprised by this though. He reminds us in 1 Cor. 1:18, For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”

Is Arlington Cemetery next?  Will churches with crosses atop their steeples also come under fire?  How about when you want to place a cross on your own personal property?  The slippery slope slides way too fast and the rights of Christians are getting crushed under the slides of “political correctness,” Atheistic activism, and extreme Islamism.

These are not battles only fought elsewhere; right here in West Michigan the cross has taken insult, attack, and “defeat.”  In Grand Haven the 48 foot cross which has traditionally been raised for 50 years during various religious festivals will no longer be erected due to threat of a lawsuit by the Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Fox 17 News reports, “Along with the cross not being raised anymore, except as an anchor for the Coast Guard Festival, the nativity scene will be taken down.”

A sign from an Ottawa County park which has stood since the 1960s has been removed because of its content.  For approximately 50 years this sign pointed to the Creator of all the earth with these words: “The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. –Psalm 19:1” 

The sign came down at the request of Mitch Kahle of The Michigan Association of Civil Rights Activists. It sounds as though he simply requested its removal and though it had stood for half a century, the park officials quickly complied.  Now for “the rest of the story…”

It seemed as if that would be the end; another defeat for religious freedom.  However, as numbers of citizens of Ottawa County spoke out in defense of the park sign, the county officials reversed their decision and voted to put the sign back up.  They are even willing to handle a lawsuit if necessary.  To God be the glory!  To hear the news report on this story click here.  Hopefully this will encourage you to speak out and take a stand for what is right.

What if we were to respond as those in the minority do?  Should we complain that wherever there are no religious symbols present it’s a promotion of the religion of atheism?  Of course not!  Yet, when others are allowed to remove the cross, or when Scripture is removed from the emblems of our national heritage, or from parks and other places as well, one form of religion is being promoted over another.  As Christians are forced to act against their consciences or made to participate in programs which go against their beliefs, a form of persecution is being pushed onto us.  When believers are fired from their jobs because of their beliefs, Christian persecution is present.  The list goes on; and if things do not change it will only get wider and more extreme as persecution persists.

On every front, we are being moved by the minority more and more.  Make no mistake, persecution has come and is coming to our nation and we are at a CROSSroads.  What will we do and where will we turn?  

That is something each of us must consider and answer for ourselves; however I would point you to the prayers of our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world and then to the words of a puritan writer for a start. 

The prayer of the persecuted church is that they would remain faithful regardless what comes.  And William Gurnall suggests, "We fear men so much, because we fear God so little. One fear cures another. When man's terror scares you, turn your thoughts to the wrath of God."

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