Are you a Christian?

By: American Decency Staff

One of the great challenges in our lives is to make sure that we aren’t getting ahead of God in our planning and the desires of our heart.

Have we at American Decency as we have planned a conference on persecution in America? 

I believe the answer is a resounding NO.  Please stand with us not only in praying, but by joining us.

We look to our upcoming time with several pastors who together will be addressing “The Rising Tide:  Persecution in America.”

I believe God is going to show Himself strong in our time together at this important and timely event on Friday evening, October 16 and Saturday morning, October 17.

Here’s why:

1.    Our speakers are, I believe, energized spiritually to bring their messages on their separate topics.  Click here.

2.    Times are increasingly pointing to troubled days ahead: even persecution

3.    I won’t count the various ways, but I certainly will point to the incident in Oregon that happened just last week.

4.    As we gather, too, we will have time to join our hearts in praise to God singing foundational songs of worship and praise.

5.    It will be good to bind our hearts together as we recognize our answers are found in God.  However, that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be preparing our hearts to serve Him as He desires – even in the midst of persecution.

6.    As I gathered with the pastors recently, we had sweet fellowship around the table

as we shared our own testimonies regarding God’s saving grace in our lives. There was transparency and a sense of God’s presence and direction with us.

One of the pastors asked:  Bill, what do you hope we accomplish?  Another pastor helped answer that question by saying:  That people will come away encouraged.  We all need encouragement and strengthening today, don’t we.

Will you help us get out the word?  I hope so.  I also hope that if at all possible you will come and bring others with you.   It would be helpful if you took a moment to pre-register as this will assist us in seating and food preparation (continental breakfast on Saturday morning). 

It’s difficult sometimes to think about the different circumstances that fellow believers have faced and are facing including those young college students who stated “yes” when asked “Are you a Christian?”  And then were gunned down. 

One of our recent “Decency Minute” radio commentaries (heard on American Family Radio) stated it this way:

When ISIS began targeting Christians in Iraq these past few years, many Western Christians stood with them, posting the "Nazarene" symbol as their profile picture, or wearing a t-shirt or pin.

Who would have thought that American Christians would suffer the same persecution so soon?

"Are you a Christian?"

The answer to that question left nine community college students in Oregon dead on October 1, as the gunman asking it pointed his gun at their heads and pulled the trigger when they dared to say 'yes.'

The suffering of Christians in other nations should always urge us to question how strongly we believe in this gospel which costs men their lives. How much more so when our own countrymen pay the price for their faith?

May we have the same courage and conviction, should we ever have to speak that answer to the barrel of a gun.


Listed below are the topics and presenters:

–          “The Rising Tide:  Resilient Living in a Culture of Persecution"
– Pastor Greg Johnson of Fremont Wesleyan Church

–          “Discipleship 101 – The Motivation, Cost and Blessing of Following Jesus”
– Dr. Steve Witter of First Baptist Church

–          “Bless Those Who Persecute You”
– Pastor Vern Picknally of Fremont OPC

–          “Sheep in the Midst of Wolves”
– Dr. Ron Workman of Interim Ministries Inc.

This promises to be a power-packed conference that not only will inform about the rising tide of persecution in America, but will prepare us and strengthen us to boldly stand for Christ.

Mark Friday evening, October 16 and Saturday morning, October 17 on your calendar and plan to join us here at American Decency for The Rising Tide:  Persecution in America.

What:  The Rising Tide:  Persecution in America

When:  Friday, October 16 – 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Saturday, October 17 – 9:00 am – 11:30 am

(breakfast available 8:30am – 9:00 am)

Where:  American Decency Association
203 E. Main Street, Fremont MI

There is no cost to attend, however a free will offering will be taken.
Register in advance or at the door, however your pre-registration will help us plan.

Call us at 231-924-4050 to register or for more information.

Click here for a promotional flyer or a poster.

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To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.













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