America’s future: Does it concern you?

By: American Decency Staff

What concerns you most for America's future?The homosexual agenda? The rise of Islam? The growing tyranny of our government and courts? The godlessness steamrolling our nation? These subjects will be highlighted at "Light Wins," American Decency Association's annual conference, on Friday, July 31, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Sunshine Community Church. Janet Folger Porter, president of Faith2Action; Major Stephen Coughlin, dismissed from the military for exposing the truth about our Islamic enemy; and Washington, D.C.-area Pastor Anthony Moore plan powerful presentations to shine the spotlight on the perils America faces as we reject the Biblical principles our country was founded upon.

Our situation is urgent, and the hour is late. To ensure that cost holds no one back, the conference is free, though an offering will be collected. Questions? Kimberly would love to answer them.

To register, call (231) 924-4050, or email If you care about America and the country you leave for your children and grandchildren, this event is one you dare not miss!

Here is a Q&A for me, Bill Johnson, posing a few frequently asked questions.

Question:  Do you really believe that our situation is urgent and that the hour is late?

BJ:  Yes.  I really do.  In some ways, for me, my thoughts on this came somewhat to a head just three days ago on Independence Day. 

I wanted to celebrate our magnificent past but I found it very difficult to overlook the reality.  I found two significant expressions of that concern.  One expressed by the popular blogger, Matt Walsh who was responding to a question from a writer (Mike) who was seeking Matt to say that America was still great. 

Here in part was Matt Walsh’s response:  You want me to get into the holiday spirit and remind everyone that America is still great, but I don’t know, Mike, does a great country murder a million babies every year?

Does a great country ignore its own laws and tear its Constitution to pieces?

Does a great country become among the first in human civilization to dismantle the institution of marriage in favor of legitimizing sexual perversion?

Is a great country so confused that it can’t tell the difference between male and female?

Does the nuclear family collapse in a great country?
For Matt Walsh’s entire blog

Question: Why if America is so troubled, do you go through the trouble of organizing a conference when things are so bad in our beloved America?

BJ:Because as a Christian, I believe that it isn’t over until God clearly shows that it is over.   I don’t think it’s over for America.. 

I have gone through the ‘60s when things were really not so good, and through the ‘70s when there was great despair in our country. 

I do despair about our nation’s leadership (with some exceptions) but I see the kindness and the heart concern that many yet have throughout our country.  We aren’t all thugs, corrupt, indifferent.  Not by a long shot.

We already have 175 people registered to come to our July 31 event.  We are hoping to have a 600+ with us for what we know will be an evening of informing, warning, spiritual encouragement and hope. 

We will be hearing from people who are savvy, astute, immensely caring and compassionate for America. 

Our speakers don’t think it’s over for America either and they will be dealing with some of the questions facing us today.  

I hope you will help us make this a God-honoring occasion.  You will be blessed as you come and be a blessing by the fact that you had the interest and desire to be with us.

Register today. 

Join us for – Light Wins: ADA’s Annual Summer Conference

Stephen C. Coughlin, Janet (Folger) Porter, Pastor Anthony Moore. Each of these speakers will address the "Gathering Storm," the spiritual battles that will confront us now and in the future. We encourage you to join us on Friday evening, July 31, 2015 in Grand Rapids, MI at Sunshine Community Church. Cost: Free will offering.

Friday, July 31, 2015
6:30pm to 9:30pm

Sunshine Community Church
3300 E Beltline Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525

To Register
Online: Click Here
Call Kimberly at 231-924-4050
Making you aware:

Candlelight Vigil – We Are A Light To The World    

July 8th Wednesday Night  9:30-10:15pm 

West side of the blue pedestrian bridge, downtown Grand Rapids (between the Eberhard Center and Van Andel Museum.

The pedestrian bridge is lit with rainbow lights through the end of the week to celebrate the adoption of secular progressivism's guiding principles in marriage.  Many of our Christian brothers and sisters feel a sense of loss, confusion, and duty after the unbiblical Supreme Court opinion.  Many of us also feel confusion because we know we need to love the lost yet cannot stand to see what is happening in our culture and government.  This vigil provides an opportunity to do both love the lost and affirm biblical/natural law.  It is not either or, it is both.

The church was absent from culture and law for generations.  What's worse is that while absent in society the church was busy applying law on a personal level rather than love for the lost.  The result is we have an anti-God pagan government and a society that is bitter from years of personal condemnation and hypocrisy.   

On Wednesday we have an opportunity to try to do the impossible on our own accord. We have an opportunity to represent Christ in the heart of Grand Rapids.  Christ has the perfect balance of law and grace.  Please join us as we participate in the effort together.
Mark Gurley

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To support efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.   


American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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