‘Defenseless Religious Communities Are Facing An Existential Crisis’

By: American Decency Staff

'Defenseless Religious Communities Are Facing An Existential Crisis'

The 2016 election will be overrun with raucous debates on taxes, education issues, and health-care reform. But what about humanitarian issues and religious freedom? If the folks behind the brand-new 21st Century Wilberforce Initiative have anything to do with it, every politician vying for an office in 2016 will confront one of the issues that “poses a threat to all humanity” and “to create a world where everyone embraces religious freedom as a human right” in local townhalls and national debates in the months to come.

Religious Freedom Is in Crisis

With a razor-sharp memory, dry wit, and unmatched zeal for human-rights, the founder and driving force behind this new initiative, former Rep. Frank Wolf, left behind 30 years in Congress to propel religious freedom to the forefront of the cultural and political landscape and to “fulfill the burning desire of my heart.”

From the fire chief in Atlanta who was fired because he expressed religious beliefs to the Christians being targeted and murdered in Iraq, Wolf says “defenseless religious communities are facing an existential crisis, which threatens their very survival in the lands they have inhabited for centuries.”

Indeed, although people of faith in America face a milder religious freedom crisis, in Iraq, Wolf met Christians in a community that included people who were forced to leave their country or die because of their faith. This has reduced the Christian Iraqi population from 1.5 million to 300,000.

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