Are you looking for something on Valentine’s Day;
But you don’t want to watch “Fifty Shades of Grey?”
Your eyes and your mind you want to protect;
So to that kind of filth you strongly object.
Try a faith-based movie about courtship and love;
An “Old Fashioned” romance from heaven above.
With wounds from her past and fears that abound,
This now-reformed frat boy must present love that’s sound.
Treat her with chivalry, kindness, and care;
Do things as God would, if you might dare.
A man and a woman with God at the heart,
To any romance, there’s no better start.
If you’re looking for something to do on Valentine’s Day why not try the faith-based movie “OLD FASHIONED”? “Old Fashioned” draws modern men back to values of a by-gone era, values like chivalry and respectful love. Click hereto see the trailer.
Rik Swartzwelder is the film’s writer, director. and lead actor. Read his reason for writing “Old Fashioned”:
“I wanted to tell a love story that takes the idea of Godly romance seriously. A story that, without apology, explores the possibility of a higher standard in relationships; yet, is also fully aware of just how fragile we all are and doesn’t seek to heap guilt upon those of us that have made mistakes.” (Emphasis mine)
Freestyle, the distribution company behind the hugely successful faith-based movie, GOD’S NOT DEAD, is playing a role in bringing “OLD FASHIONED” to the screen.
To read more about the movie “OLD FASHIONED” and its release, clickhere.
Mr. Swartzwelder recognizes the “battle” they’ll be in for at the box office but remains hopeful. As he states:
“Opening the same weekend as FIFTY SHADES, there's definitely a David v. Goliath comparison. They will have more screens, more money, more hype . . . but we're hopeful that we are not alone in our belief that there are others out there who desire more from love–and the movies–than objectification or domination. That being the case, we simply want to offer an alternative view on the topic of romance; and, perhaps even dare to suggest that there is a more beautiful way to which we all can aspire.” (Emphasis mine)
This is the story line:
“Former frat boy Clay Walsh has given up his reckless lifestyle and settled down to run an antique shop in a small Midwestern college town. Determined to put his partying ways behind him, Clay has become notorious for his lofty and outdated theories on love and romance. But when Amber Hewson, a free-spirited woman with a gypsy soul, rents the apartment above his shop, Clay can’t help being attracted to her spontaneous and passionate embrace of life.
New to the area, Amber finds herself surprisingly drawn to Clay and his noble ideas, but her own fears and deep wounds are difficult to overcome. Can they move beyond their differences and their pasts to attempt an “old-fashioned” courtship?”
Attend an uplifting movie that promotes Biblical values and a love which gives – instead of one which promotes deviancy and self-love. Put before your eyes that which is wholesome and constructive rather than that which numbs you morally and infects society with objectifying and lusting after women. Watch “Old Fashioned;” bring old—but not outdated—ideas to your renewed relationship.
This movie is actually opening up in a few theaters this weekend but will be available nation-wide come Valentine’s Day. To find a theater near you and/or purchase tickets clickhere.
“Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Phil. 4:8
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