What keeps you going? The following quote points to the cross and is a great lead in for another heavy, but necessary, update regarding the battle for the soul of America.
Know the Truth About Carrying the Cross
Christ would have all who profess and call themselves Christians reminded that they must carry the cross.They must lay their account to be despised, afflicted and tried, like their Master. He would have no person enlisted on false pretenses. He would have it distinctly understood that there is a battle to be fought, and a race to be run – a work to be done, and many hard things to be endured – if we propose to follow Him. Salvation He is ready to bestow, without money and without price. Grace by the way, and glory in the end, shall be given to every sinner who comes to Him. But He would not have us ignorant that we shall have deadly enemies – the world, the flesh, and the devil – and that many will hate us, slander us, and persecute us, if we become His disciples. He does not wish to discourage us, but He does wish us to know the truth.
~ J.C. Ryle
Are we witnessing the last days of religious freedom in America? For us followers of Christ, it must be a day of solemnity and prayerfulness as the battle for the soul of America is upon us.
Mark Levin, former Chief of Staff of Ronald Reagan's U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese, on his radio program last evening gave commentary, stating: “I recently met with a half dozen very senior officials – former top leaders during the Reagan administration at the highest levels.
“And we all concluded the same thing that this nation is in the worst position it has been in since the Civil War. That this poison, this rot being unleashed by Obama and his party, by the media, by academia backing them up is nothing like we’ve ever seen…
This set the stage for further important commentary regarding the battle over the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).
Levin continued, "today just to show you how far we’ve fallen – RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE – which was one of the reasons all the way back to the pilgrims that [the pilgrims] came to the new world – RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE – is now rejected.
Now if you seek to live your life quietly and live by your own religious beliefs and if your own religious beliefs conflict with modern day secular government post policy – you’re a bigot.
And you must surrender your faith to the government, to the media, to hack politicians. That’s where we’ve gotten. This is where we are.
We even have gutless governors like Asa Hutchinson in Arkansas. Citing his son signing a petition, as if that matters at all. To turn back his state legislature’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act. Remember the name: Religious Freedom Restoration Act which gives a crumb to people of faith to defend themselves – a crumb.
All it does is give them the ability to defend themselves. Nothing more, nothing less.
We still have a very high legal bar to overcome but that’s not good enough in this growing centralized tyranny that we live in. That’s not good enough.
The 3 percent of the population will dictate to the 97% of the population and the 97 % of the population will have no say. No matter how many votes they took in the states. No matter how many state legislatures responding to the population sought to uphold theviews of their citizenry. It didn’t matter because the Supreme Court stepped in and the Justices of the Supreme Court – a handful of them – five lawyers decided that what took place in all these states for the past 10 or 15 years was not a policy they liked – was not a policy they would support. So now they have constitutionalized a political battle, a political debate, a cultural battle.
Well I’ve got news for the Justices on the Supreme Court and I’ve got news for the news media and I’ve got news for the special interest groups – the Democrats and French Republicans. You can’t conquer people of faith. They’re not going anywhere. They are going to continue to practice their religion. They are going to continue to challenge you to resist your tyranny. People of faith are not imposing their views on anybody. They are being abused. They are being kicked around.
We’ve come full circle in this country. People coming to this country risking everything – leaving the old world to come to the new world for among other things – religious liberty. And now we are so sophisticated. We have a supposed rule of law – all these bright people that went to Ivy League schools and all these progressive governors taking us back to the pre-colonial days. Isn’t it amazing?
And then it’s said that there’s something wrong with us.
This is an elective tyranny. Just because you vote doesn’t mean it’s not. Obama’s doing everything he can to impose his will, his political agenda and the political agenda of his supporters, his donors, his activists on the American people –constitutionalizing it, codifying it so you can’t even have differences of opinion – you can’t even be a person of “conscience” unless your conscience brings you to the same end result as that of the left. Otherwise it’s said you don’t even have a conscience.
Those are heavy words from an experienced and educated patriot.
I encourage you also to not lose sight of what was a heavily followed report on March 24– a phone conference with Jim Dobson, Mat Staver, Rick Scarborough, Janet Porter and others. If you haven’t made a point of listening, please do so. You can find it here
The long and short of it is that we had better be ready for the Supreme Court to rule wrongly. Here are a few take-aways.
1. If the Supreme Court rules against natural (Biblical) marriage, they would be placing man’s law before God’s law.
Mat Staver stated it this way: "Let me address the seriousness and the basis for engaging with resistance to a Supreme Court decision that could go the wrong way. Once you elevate same-sex marriage to the level of protected status, whether on the federal or the state level, you begin to change and transform the face of society. In my view it will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization…"
2. Civil disobedience could be called for as man's law defies God's law.
3. If we lose natural marriage, Western civilization will be lost as we will soon thereafter lose the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Expression.
4. The LGBTQ folks have an agenda that is very real and very aggressive.
It's a frightening, but important reminder.
Marriages are under attack. We have been updating upon you upon that. We are offering an opportunity to build up your marriage (or perhaps you can cover the expense of someone you think may be encouraged and renewed). I’m referring to what promises to be a timely weekend conference of great ministry messages of encouragement and counsel. We are calling it “Bringing Christ Home.”
There are a variety of rooms you can choose from and the home-cooked meals are mouth-watering. Each evening a banana split bar is available for overnight guests. Good food, good fun, peaceful surroundings, sound Biblical instruction, what a time of refreshing and renewal for you and your spouse. A healthy marriage leads to a healthy home; what more could you possibly do for your family?
Please join us June 5-7, 2015 for what promises to be a powerful weekend of timely information, fellowship, and spiritual challenge! There are only 55 rooms available for this retreat, so call The Shack Country Inn at 231-924-6683 to reserve yours today. After reserving your room, please call the ADA at 231-924-4050 to let us know you’ll be attending.
To learn more about the schedule and rates click here.
For other information about this marriage conference, call American Decency at 231-924-4050.
To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.
American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
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