A Bonhoeffer Moment – Rick Scarborough

By: American Decency Staff

As these days and weeks roll on and we see the continued assault upon Christianity and upon the U.S. Constitution, I am strengthened by the faith to which God has called me and causes me to grow in.   The Lord knows I’m going to need it and so are you.

The U.S. Supreme Court will be deciding on the homosexual marriage issue with a hearing  scheduled for April 28 and the decision announced in June as Supreme Court breaks for summer.

I was on a conference call with a group of Christian leaders just two weeks ago.  Discussions were led by Pastor Rick Scarborough who ADA brought to Michigan eighteen months ago.

In addition, other key voices in our phone conversation were Dr. James Dobson and Mat Staver, who was one of our featured speakers at Sunshine Community Church last summer.  Mat is the former Dean of the Law School at Liberty University and is the President of Liberty University.

Our one hour conversation was recorded and powerful.  It can be found at:  https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/playback/?n=OYkz0/jbKxc

I highly commend it to you. 

The long and short of it is that we had better be ready for the Supreme Court to rule wrongly.   Here are a few talking points.

1.    If the Supreme Court rules against natural (Biblical) marriage, they would be placing man’s law before God’s law.

Mat Staver stated it this way:  Let me address the seriousness and the basis for engaging with resistance to a Supreme Court decision that could go the wrong way. Once you elevate same-sex marriage to the level of protected status, whether on the federal or the state level, you begin to change and transform the face of society. In my view it will result in the beginning of the end of Western Civilization. …

2.    If that is the decision the Supreme Court comes to, as Christians we must not allow that to stand without responding rightly..   There was an acknowledgement that the church failed to be salt and light when Roe v. Wade came down legalizing abortion in 1973.

3.    There was a significant discussion regarding civil disobedience and what that could perhaps mean. 

4.    There was direct discussion that if we lose natural marriage that Western civilization will be lost as we will soon thereafter lose the Freedom of Religion and the Freedom of Expression. 

5.    The LGBTQ folks have an agenda that is very real and very aggressive.

Note the following as one example regarding Planet Fitness news that you are likely aware of by now.

“There’s an awful lot of judgment going on in that judgment-free zone.  I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty thoroughly appalled by the dazzling speed with which this particular abomination has come to demand acceptance by our whole society. Suddenly “transphobia” is a brand-new crime, sin, wickedness that no one ever heard of until two or three years ago.

Kill the culture, and the country dies.”

Read more at http://barbwire.com/…/0635-planet-fitness-an-integrity-fre…/

6.    It was prayerfully determined that it was vital that we jointly send a LETTER pledging as Christians the following:


While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross.

I signed the pledge letter after such individuals as Dr. James Dobson, Donald E. Wildmon, Tim Wildmon, Mat Staver, James Robison, Rick Scarborough, and by now many others, signed on with their support.

We are seeking the signatures of many, many others.

I write in our forthcoming April newsletter the following words as I finish my personal note speaking on this which Scarborough refers to as a “Bonhoeffer Moment.”

Read prayerfully the pledge as it may have serious implications. By signing it you would be signifying that you are standing firm for natural law and opposing the redefining of marriage to the highest court in the land, the U.S. Supreme Court.

Click here for a copy of the pledge.  Make copies and share with others

Dear Friend:  By now you should know that we are earnest in our love for God and His people in these concerning days.  

Several ways that you can keep in touch with the heartbeat of our calling at ADA is to follow us on twitter at:  @billwjohnson

And at Facebook at:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/American-Decency-Association/82971692244

For those in the greater Michigan area or beyond, we are hosting a June Marriage Conference (June 5 – 7) for such a time as this.  Even as marriage is being assaulted we want to serve as an instrument to build up!

The conference is entitled:
Bringing Christ Home
Family and the Supremacy of Christ

This will serve as a time of spiritual fellowship and renewal.  We are going to need it for what lies ahead.

For more information go to:  https://americandecency.org/ShackEvent/home.php

Mark your calendar for our summer conference July 31 which is entitled:


Featuring Janet (Folger) Porter
Patrick S. Poole, Mid-East Expert
Pastor Anthony Moore, Ft. Washington, MD

For more information:  Click here

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