Will the REAL Sodom Please Stand Up!

By: American Decency Staff

We’ve all heard of Sodom and Gomorrah and know of the terrible judgment it received from God.  There are many who believe that it was God’s judgment for homosexuality and nothing more. Sometimes we stop short of learning more lessons from this Biblical account because “it just shows that God hates homosexuality.”  However, there are many lessons to be learned and re-learned from Sodom and Gomorrah. If we read openly we can learn good lessons about Lot, Abraham, and those who say, “Don’t judge me!” 

There was a time when Sodom enjoyed the pleasures of God’s abundance; so much so that Lot desired to be close to it.  Much like Eve’s enticement to the fruit, it was pleasing to the eyes.  However, also like the fruit it was dangerous because Sodom is described as wicked and “great sinners against the LORD.” (Genesis 13:13)  Just because something looks good or it appeals to our senses doesn’t mean that it’s good for us.

The fruit of temptation looks good and desirous on the outside (or it wouldn’t be temptation would it?) but look inside with obedience and see the death and destruction of that fruit.  Lot’s choosing the side toward Sodom wasn’t sin in itself but he should have taken great precautions because it brought destruction to his family.  He should have guarded their hearts.  It’s a slippery slope indeed if we don’t put on our Bible brakes, listening to the LORD and His warnings. 

We see that Lot first pitched his tent toward Sodom, the place of wickedness where they were “great sinners against the LORD.”  Next, we see that Lot was living  in the city among them.  Even after Abraham saved him from enemies he moved back into the city.  We see that Lot even rose in prominence in Sodom and was found to be sitting in the gate. He even allowed the engagement of his daughters to men from Sodom.  We must be sure to protect our families and lead well. 

What a difference it could have made if Lot had kept his distance from sin and had helped to better keep his family’s heart tuned to the One True God.  You and I must keep our hearts and the hearts of our families with all diligence.  We must be continually speaking truth into their lives because we live in a “Sodom culture.” 

A “Sodom culture” doesn’t mean that it’s full of homosexuality.  If you will look into the Scripture you’ll see that Sodom’s sin was that of pride, fullness of bread, an abundance of idleness (generational), she didn’t strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.  They were haughty and committed abomination before the LORD.  They weren’t even ashamed of it. Scripture goes on to say “they hideth it not.”  Their pride made them think that they were above the moral law.  Therefore God, in His holiness and goodness, took them away. 

Yes, these verses from Ezekiel 16 are describing Judah, renamed “Sodom” by the LORD.  Look at that description.  Couldn’t the LORD be calling America “Sodom” today?  Look honestly; we live in a “Sodom culture.” We are a terribly proud people and demand that we do things our own way instead of God’s way. We have generational idleness as sons and daughters inherit little more from their parents than how to collect a welfare check. Instead of strengthening the hand of the needy, America is making it hard for those who would work. We make it easier to rely on the government and handouts instead of God and hard work. We don’t try to hide our sin any longer.  We have gay “pride” parades, lawlessness in the land, and hosts of other sins which we not only don’t hide but televise as entertainment. There are those who admit abortion is murder but still promote it anyhow. If ever there was a “Sodom culture” upon this earth…we are it!  Again, it has little to do with homosexuality except that the sin of prolific homosexual acceptance is the “crowning glory” of a culture whose sins are full up and brings the judgment of God upon a nation (Romans 1:19-32). It starts with denying God as God, and ends with His turning them over to a reprobate mind.

In Genesis’ Sodom we see that the men had “gay pride.”  This sin was open and accepted here; but what of the sins in the church which are open and accepted today?  Any sin which is done unashamedly, openly, and proudly is particularly despised by God.  He finds ALL sin offensive to His holy character but when it’s done willfully, in open arrogance, it’s a prideful strike at His authority and His rightful sovereignty. (Read Isaiah 3:8-15 to get a good look at this).   When any people are willing to publically disregard God and in pride continue to sin against Him, they are in trouble. 

Don’t stand there and point your finger at the culture and say, “Exactly! Shame on you!”  This sin of arrogance and pride abounds in the “church” as well.  Lovingly exhort that sin and you will hear cries of “Don’t judge me!” Look at Genesis 19:4-11. In verse 7 Lot tells these people that it is wicked, it’s sin, don’t do this thing.  In verse 9 the city angrily replies, “Don’t judge us!  Now we’re going to attack you!”  I ask you, who would you rather align yourself with –  Lot the righteous exhorter or the homosexual mob that didn’t like to hear about their sin?

I find it interesting that Lot was living among them and apparently accepted by them – until he told them of their sin.  When you call attention to the fact that a wicked man’s ways are evil he will deny that you are part of his group and tell you not to judge him.  When you point out the wickedness or foolishness of a wise or godly man he will be grateful for the rebuke or reproof.

God tells us to be “our brother’s keeper” (protector) and lovingly rebuke or reprove, pointing out that Jesus is in the saving-from-sin business.  Approach our culture with the truth of Romans 1:16 and let them know that Jesus died for them; His is the only word which moves us, and them, from death to life. We don’t need to condemn, but we must call out a compassionate warning to those who are lost.


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 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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