What’s With the ‘Anti-Gay’ Label?

By: American Decency Staff

The utter absurdity of calling Bible-believing, traditional marriage supporters “homophobes” or “homophobic” has already been wisely pointed out many times before.  We are definitely not afraid of homosexuals.  Any mention of this pathetic slur is enough to cause most Christians to shake their heads in disgust over the sheer nonsense of such an accusation.  To the contrary, if anyone’s terrified, it’s those who capitulate to “Big Gay’s” every demand for fear of being labeled “homophobic.” 

However, what about the equally inane, and frankly tiresome, onslaught of the “anti-gay” tag that’s being profusely pinned upon anyone who dares to disagree with the homosexual activists or the deeply defective reasoning that undergirds their agenda?  Can anyone adequately explain the constant, mindless parroting of this term to me?  Anyone?  This maligning moniker has been hung around our necks for far too long.  And it too, like the farce of “homophobia,” makes no sense whatsoever so I’m going to wade out into the rough waters of this perplexing issue.  Maybe we can figure something out.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/02/25/whats-anti-gay-label/#AjOMP0ko6bHMJxpg.99

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