What is Evangelicalism?

By: American Decency Staff

I happen to be a Protestant evangelical. While most Christians at least should know what that means, surprisingly, many do not. Indeed, I have even lectured to evangelicals in various classes, only to have some of them ask me what an evangelical is!

The answer one gets to this question of course partly depends on who is doing the asking. To the secular left and much of the mainstream media, evangelicals are fightin’ fundie theonomists who want to take over the world and put to death all renegades.


Um, no, not quite. So just what comprises an evangelical? A thesis could be written on this topic alone — and I am sure many have been. Even evangelicals themselves admit that this can be a bit tricky to fully pin down. Indeed, Robert Johnston’s comment that “agreed-upon definitions of evangelicalism are difficult to find” may be an understatement.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/04/02/evangelicalism/#bhj7G87IyBDCI4c5.99

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