What Does the Fired Fox Say?

By: American Decency Staff

Family Research Council – Most people use Mozilla Firefox’s web browser to search — but the extreme Left has been using it to search… and destroy. Short-lived CEO Brendan Eich found that out the hard way, when the long-time employee was chased out of his job for holding a view that — at the time — even Barack Obama claimed to subscribe to. Eich, who was under the impression that Mozilla had hired him for his experience not his political views, became the latest trophy on the Left’s wall when it was revealed that he’d given $1,000 to the successful Proposition 8 effort five years ago in California.


Despite Eich’s apology, an unfortunate capitulation to the kind of self-censorship activists demand, he ultimately resigned — joining the growing list of Americans whose reputations and careers are publicly flogged because they dare to express an opinion that reflects the diversity liberals insist they want. At two and a half weeks, Eich held the job longer than Craig James — who was fired after a single day at Fox Sports Southwest — but having been involved with Firefox since its inception 16 years ago, the fallout still stings. Like most Americans, he didn’t know that exercising the freedoms that make our nation great are the same ones that make him unemployable by the Left’s corporate bullies.

Read more at http://barbwire.com/2014/04/05/firedfox-say/#sC5f77XpH2zYbPTq.99

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