What Do We Do?

By: American Decency Staff

The grass withers and the flower fades away but the word of our Lord endures forever.  [Isaiah 40:8]

Some might be thinking, “That’s an interesting way to start a year-end appeal letter.”  And, it is. 

We want you to know – We at ADA desire to minister in His name and under His authority knowing that it is the word of our Lord that endures forever.    We begin our days acknowledging our need for God in our lives and in this ministry.  He is the author and the sustainer of our lives and of this ministry. 

“What do we do?  This year end letter gives opportunity to look back in review and raise that very question – What does ADA do?

In addition, this letter (1) gives opportunity to provide you with highlights of our ministry during the past year;  (2) gives opportunity to thank you for your prayers and financial support, and, (3) gives us an opportunity to remind you that ADA is a ministry with a time-tested and proven track record of faithfulness and integrity, and, I believe, worthy of your support!    

I urge you to peruse the link for our ministry summary –  A Year in Review:  2014.

As you prayerfully consider your support of American Decency Association, we remind you not to neglect first your tithe to your local church. 

Secondly, we seek new and old supporters who would strengthen us financially as God leads.

Some of you reading this have been blessed and strengthened by ADA but as yet have not supported our work.  May I encourage you in the following way?  If you have been blessed and strengthened by ADA  through emails, DVDs, bulletin inserts, newsletters, speakers, movies, and/or our radio broadcasts heard locally, in the Washington, DC area, or on the web, would you be one that would stand with us financially now and in the coming year? 

In closing, I urge you to prayerfully give as generously as you are able. Having been members of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) since 1993, I want you to know that we are audited or reviewed every year and have always been members in good standing.

On behalf of the staff and board of the ADA, I want to extend a very warm thanks to the many of you who have stood with us and to thank you in advance for choosing to stand with us in prayer and support in the days ahead.

Please help us finish 2014 on strong financial footing.  Thanks for whatever you can do, that God would be glorified.

Thank you, dear friend.

To support our efforts please click here or mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

photo credit: vvvracer via photopin cc

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