VIDEO: Trey Gowdy Questions the Media about Benghazi

By: American Decency Staff

It is big news that Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) has been tapped to be the chairman of a select committee that will investigate the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi and its aftermath. Even liberal media outlets have described Gowdy as precisely the guy Obama doesn’t want in that job. Trey Gowdy was first elected to the U.S. House in 2010 and during his short tenure he has impressed a lot of people — especially on the political right.

If video clips like the one above are a preview of what’s to come, it’s a safe bet that televised hearings of the select committee will draw a lot of viewers.

Here is a clip from an interview conducted this past Wednesday where Rep. Gowdy said that the Benghazi investigation “transcends politics”:

To Watch:  Click Here



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