Until Death Do We Part – For Real

By: American Decency Staff

If anything but death is an option for ending a marriage, then don’t say “until death” in your wedding vows. Tell the truth. Promise what is meant. Say something like “until adultery, abandonment, or abuse.” Say what you mean. God never lies (Titus 1:2) and delights in truth-telling and oath-keeping.

Whether speaking of marriage or any other subject, it comes as no surprise that God expects people to say what they mean. The immediate context of Jesus’s teaching about adultery includes his clarification that going back on your word (marital vow) is evil. Matthew 5:37: “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” In other words, if you say “until death,” you should mean “until death.”

A couple may say, then, “Okay, we won’t pledge fidelity until death.” But if a couple does not promise fidelity until death, it is not a truly Christian marriage they are forging. The Bible teaches that marriage is until death.

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