Unparalleled defenders of freedom at ADA’s summer conference

By: American Decency Staff





We are counting down the days as American Decency Association’s summer conference will be upon us in less than 90 days – Friday, July 18.  (See below for details.)

Last year’s conference was applauded for its regarded speakers (Gary Bauer, Frank Gaffney and Pastor Anthony Moore) as our audience of over 600 was alerted, stirred, and challenged.

It is helpful to be fed the latest news from the front, to connect with others, to be challenged and fine-tuned for the spiritual battles that grow more intense with each passing day. 

As good as the crowd was last year (over 600 in attendance), we are hoping for at least as good a showing this year.    

What a great opportunity for all of us to make a night of it and to bring our children and/or young adult grandchildren.  How else are some of them going to be made aware of the warfare that we face?  We hope you will help us by coming and bringing others.

One of our featured speakers this year is not only an outstanding/inspirational speaker, but also one of America’s leading Christian litigators.

I am referencing Mat Staver, Dean of the Liberty University Law School and Founder and President of Liberty Counsel.

Mat Staver is a warhorse, a strategizer, and a humble man of God.  You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of fights in which he is engaged.  Case in point: 

The Pelletier family case involving fifteen- year-old daughter, Justina, who was removed from the family’s care.

According to The Blaze, “[the Pelletiers] have been engaged in a legal battle for over a year in an attempt to regain custody of Justina. It began when physicians at Boston Children’s Hospital concluded that Justina has somataform disorder, a physiological condition, not mitochondrial disease. After Lou and his wife, Linda, objected, citing Justina’s diagnosis and extensive treatment for mitochondrial disease by doctors at Tufts Medical Center, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) was brought in and they lost custody of their daughter.”

Since DCF took Justina she has hardly had any medical treatment in the past fourteen months.  She’s had no education. No access to clergy or religious education or worship services. She only gets to see her parents one hour a week in supervised visitation with the presence of DCF workers.

This is not the first time that DCF has stepped in and taken a child from its family for no just cause.   If this can happen to a family like the Pelletiers, it can happen to others – and it has.

Mark Levin, constitutional attorney and former Chief of Staff for U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese under the Reagan Administration, called this case an absolute nightmare in regards to parental rights.

Mat Staver, chairman of the legal firm, Liberty Counsel, provides pro-bono defense and legal action on behalf of families and organizations whose constitutional rights have been challenged.  Staver and the Liberty Counsel represent the Pelletiers and are on the front lines fighting this egregious usurpation of parental rights.

This is only one of the many battles in which Mat Staver is engaged – defending faith, family, and freedom. Fighting to protect religious liberty, Christian conscience, and natural marriage – Mat Staver has an unparalleled perspective on the many constitutional issues we face today and one of America’s most respected culture warriors.

Also speaking will be Kamal Saleem, former terrorist who was converted to Christianity and is now a follower of Christ.  Kamal Saleem takes every opportunity to boldly stand for truth.  He is a frequent conference speaker, author of the book “The Blood of the Lambs,” and has been a recurring presenter at Values Voter Summit sponsored by Family Research Council, AFA, Liberty Counsel and others.

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from Mat Staver and Kamal Saleem – unparalleled defenders of freedom – standing for Godliness in a day of godlessness.  We hope to see you July 18!

ADA Summer Conference

Date:               Friday, July 18, 2014

Time:               7:00 P.M. – 9:30 P.M.

Location:         Sunshine Church
                                        3300 East Beltline Ave NE
                                     Grand Rapids, MI  49525

Cost:  Free will offering


To register call our office at 888-733-2326
or email us at kimberly@americandecency.org


To support our efforts please click hereor mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.  

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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