UK is world’s leading recruiting ground for al-Qaeda

By: American Decency Staff

This is the Britain that Blair, Brown and Cameron have made. This is the Britain that Cameron wants to feature a London that will “stand alongside Dubai as one of the great capitals of Islamic finance anywhere in the world.” This is the Britain that thinks it is appeasing and satisfying the forces of Islamic supremacism by banning Pamela Geller and me from the country, prosecuting those who desecrate Qur’ans, and clamping down ruthlessly on any resistance to the Islamic supremacist agenda.

“Abu Hamza is gone, but Britain remains the world’s leading recruiting ground for al-Qaeda,” Telegraph, May 20, 2014 thanks to Pamela Geller):

When will we ever learn? While David Cameron and Theresa May rightly rejoice over the conviction in New York yesterday of Abu Hamza on a range of terrorism charges, they still have not come to grips with the fact that London and other parts of the UK remain a major operational base for Islamist terror cells.

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