Two invitations

By: American Decency Staff

In recent months, you may have noted that articles written by Chris Johnson have been few and far between.

During this time, Chris' presence (from a writing standpoint) has not been so evident since his role has expanded to include web development.   For the last several months, Chris has been working behind the scenes to create a new webpage look and expanded its outreach. 

Having no previous experience in website creation, yet through his study of manuals and with the mentoring of our friend and board member Steve Ensley, President of American Family Online, Chris has done more than just scratch the surface in his progress as web developer.

In Steve's words in a recent email to Bill Johnson:

Just wanted to take a moment to say Chris has accomplished a lot and done a great job with your new web site.  He had to learn a lot about web design and code to make it happen, but he did it!  In the end, the best way to learn is to jump in and do it!  He certainly
did not hesitate and as a result, you now have a coder on staff!  I have worked with many wonderful young men over the years and I have to say Chris has been my favorite!  Smart, quick learner and AWESOME attitude!  Be blessed my brother!  You have a wonderful Godly young man as a son!

Your brother in Jesus Christ,

We are thrilled with the results of Chris’ design and implementation of our new website and we hope you’ll check out our recently launched new webpage!

An overview of our webpage:

Along with a whole new look, we've added several features to our site:

(1) Easy access to the archives of Bill Johnson's daily radio broadcast: A Decency Minute

(2) One click access to our take-action links (where you can quickly and easily share your concerns with advertisers)

(3) A comment section for our articles where you can weigh in on the issues

(4) A “share button” so you can share your concerns with your friends on Facebook and other social sites

(5) A recommended reading list in the right-hand column where we link to up-to-date articles of news-breaking significance

With these changes and additions, we believe that can be a valuable asset to you as you "seek to understand the times in order to know what to do."

If you have any further suggestions that you would like us to incorporate, we invite and urge you to bring them to our attention!  Thanks.


On another note, we’d like to remind you of our upcoming conference:

LIGHT IN THE WILDERNESS — With Dave Agema, Kamal Saleem and AFA's Buddy Smith

When you click on the agenda you will see by the topics to be discussed and the speakers why “Light in the Wilderness” is an apt title for the weekend.  In addition to outstanding messengers, you will be richly blessed by my dear friend and brother in the Lord, American Family Association’s Buddy Smith, as he leads us in times of praise and worship.   We hope you’ll register and join us for what promises to be a stirring and encouraging weekend together for  “Light in the Wilderness.”

To ensure your reservation, it is important to register today.
  There are only 7 rooms still available. 

This weekend conference is intended to be an intimate time of challenge, commiserating, new friendships, spiritual encouragement, prayer, worship, and restoration!  There are only 100 to 110 seats available in the small but beautiful conference center.    We have a very limited number of seats available to those desiring to just come to hear the speakers but who will not be spending Friday and Saturday nights at the Shack.  To try to reserve just a seat but not an overnight room, call 231-924-4050. 

Make your reservation with the Shack today by calling the Shack at  231-924-6683 and ask for the ADA conference weekend rate.  

“If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to.”
President Ronald R. Reagan

Click here for the Shack’s webpage.

To support our efforts please click hereor mail your gift to American Decency Association (ADA), PO Box 202, Fremont, MI 49412.   

American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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American Decency Association
P.O.Box 202
Fremont, MI 49412
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