Trojan condoms degrade even senior citizens

By: American Decency Staff


How clever of TROJAN CONDOMS to use the disgusting television program, NBC’s Hannibal, as a vehicle to launch its disgusting ad legitimizing a man nearing senior citizen age to engage in fornication.

I reference here a new television ad produced by Trojan  condoms and aired on primetime television on NBC.

The ad features young adult children preparing their gray-haired father to go out on a date.

His grown son asks:  “All set for your big date?”

To which father responds: “No,  I’m just going out with Sheila.”

Son:  “What’s this the third time?”

Father:  “We’re just good friends.”

Son: “Dad.”  (like he knows quite a bit about how it is):  “I know.  Have a good time”

The son smiles as he stuffs a little something in his father’s sports jacket pocket.

Son:  “And don’t be out too late.”

That little something stuffed in his father’s pocket is a condom. The father pulls out the item from his pocket to reveal a Trojan condom. The father responds with a chuckle. 

As the ad concludes, the father is smiling, highlighted by the emboldened words: 

To see this degrading ad for yourself, click here.

We aren’t told if the father is recently divorced or widowed. Neither do we know who Sheila is or what her situation in life is.

This much we do know.  The father and Sheila aren’t married and, yet, his son is encouraging him by providing him with a condom.  On their third date, no less!  Which should be no surprise since our culture – and this ad – teaches young people, and apparently adults, that sex has no more significance than a handshake.

I remember when my mom died and my dad, in his seventies, was in a similar place – and lonely. 

As my father’s son, I regarded my dad, his marriage and my mom.  My dad would have been disgusted and embarrassed if I would have stuffed a condom in his pocket.    Neither of my sons would do that to me either.  Of that I am absolutely certain.

Later this month we will be hosting abstinence advocate and youth expert, Pam Stenzel, to speak to the entire student bodies of a couple of area high schools.  She will also speak to a general audience in the evening so that parents, grandparents, youth leaders, and concerned adults can hear her powerful message.  Pam’s presentation is so compelling; this will be the fourth time we’ve brought her to our area. 

To order a DVD of Pam’s captivating talk, click here.

Pam’s message is far different that Trojan’s.  Trojan tells viewers that sex is meaningless and consequence free – as long as you use their product.

Pam tells the truth – reminding of God's plan for great sex in marriage and informing as to how our country's fascination with fornication continues to put our nation, our culture, and, most importantly, our youth (and adults) at risk.  She compellingly addresses the physical and emotional costs of sex outside the boundary of marriage which has led to rampant sexually transmitted diseases within our culture.  The long term implications are dire – an epidemic of infertility, broken relationships, cancer, death.

The culture hands us a daily dose of sex through music, television, movies, internet, social sites, texts, and, of course, Trojan condom ads – while never showing the devastation that sex outside of marriage leaves behind.  No amount of latex can protect individuals from the damage.

In closing, I’m thankful for untold numbers committed to Biblical marriage.  I’m thankful for those committed to keeping yourself pure.  You march to a different drummer. You love what Christ loves and you find detestable that what He detests.

So, you mockers of truth and righteousness, who cajole those who believe in honor and decency in word and deed – may you one day realize that time-honored standards such as purity, honor and self-control build up, whereas fornication, promiscuity and lewdness degrade and destroy individuals and families and ultimately our society.

May each of us honor Biblical marriage, sexual purity, and decency at all ages and stages of our lives – both individually and toward those we love and care about.


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 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

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