The Slippery Slope

By: American Decency Staff

“The wise man built his house upon the rock; the wise man built his house upon the rock; the wise man built his house upon the rock; and the rains came tumbling down… and the house on the rock stood firm.” 

It’s not only a cute children’s song we learn in church, but it’s a word of truth which comes from the Bible. (Matthew 7:24-27)

By now most of you have heard about the many people who were killed and are still missing in the mudslide that took place in Washington State. These people wouldn’t have built their houses here if they’d known that a mudslide would carry them away.  The number of lives lost and the many more missing is devastating, but it’s even more devastating for the millions of souls who are building on a very different and faultier foundation; they build their lives on sin. 

Countries also build upon foundations.  The United States of America was built upon the solid Rock of God’s Word and the morality He brings with such a solid and firm foundation. We have long fought wars and lost many good men in an effort to keep unbiblical socialism and communism at bay. This country has tried other tracks only to find that they didn’t work.  Do you realize we once tried socialism here and it failed?  Our forefathers didn’t cling to a broken ideal that didn’t work; they didn’t force it onto the lives of its citizenry.  Instead, they wisely went back to the word of God and found a biblical way which brought the people to success and eventually prosperity. Oh how I wish that our current leaders would show such wisdom, discipline, and a desire to glorify God rather than themselves.

Those from Oso, Washington thought it was solid rock they were building on until the foundation gave way beneath them. They never even imagined that their lives could change in an instant; that their children and loved ones could step from earth to eternity just because of where they chose to build their homes. They did so unwittingly and to their own demise.

 Friends, sin feels safe for awhile but then comes the devastating sin-slide. Sin will take you further than you ever wanted to go, keep you longer than you want to be kept, and do more harm than you ever thought possible. While there remained hope to find a survivor from this mudslide, those caught up in the sin-slide will not only perish in this life but for eternity as well, if they die in their sin.

Choose carefully the foundation upon which you and your family will be built.  Don’t look at the things of this world, seeing the temporary pleasures they may bring, and mistake them for a firm foundation.  Don’t look to the government, education, entertainment, or even the church and be deceived into thinking that this foundation isn’t sinking or shifting sand.

There is ONLY ONE safe place to build your life; there is ONLY ONE foundation that will never be shifting sand; that is the solid Rock, Jesus Christ.  There is only one sure foundation and that is the Word of God.  Jesus tells us, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35)  Put your trust in Jesus and live by His word.

Regardless of what others are telling you, know and do the word of God.  Jesus, in Matthew 7:24, tells you, Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine AND DOETH THEM, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:” (Caps mine) This is the same chapter where Jesus is telling you to judge what people are telling you, judge what they are doing, live holy, and help others to live holy too.

Doing His will and following the Word of God is building upon the rock; it is wisdom.  Building on anything else will offer you sure heartache and destruction.  Check your foundation; avoid the sin-slide.


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 American Decency Association is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

photo credit: Paul Graham Raven via photopin cc

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