The nine year old: What is communism?

By: American Decency Staff

Last evening I showed Curtis Bowers movie “Agenda: Grinding America Down” to several younger people (aged 15, 12 and 9).

Have you seen it?  It came out strong in 2010.

It is a powerful account of the growth and spread of Communism in and through America.  It is perhaps the best documented film of its type.  Others obviously found this to be true as well as it won the SAICFF (San Antonio Independent Film Festival) Jubilee Film Award in 2010.

Movie Guide’s Ted Baehr stated the followingAGENDA: GRINDING AMERICA DOWN is the most powerful exposé of the communist, socialist, progressive attempt to take over America produced so far. 

… the documentary presents the connections between the different communist, socialist, progressive organizations with great clarity and shows how they implemented their agenda in each area of life. AGENDA is absolutely brilliant for its well-researched understanding of the issues. It is must viewing. AGENDA is a great documentary. …

Last night as I watched Curtis Bowers’ 93 minute documentary I found myself weeping at the end as one of the final presenters stated:

“If America, goes down, we all go down.”  

The nine-year-old asked “What is communism?”  “How would this happen that we would lose our freedom?”

Big, but important, questions for a nine-year-old.  That’s more than what many adults ask in some cases during their entire lifetimes.  Shame on those who are asleep.

We as adults need to be asking such questions:  One such person asking hard and important questions is Diana West author of “American Betrayal” and syndicated columnist.   Ms. West asked the following question recently during an interview with Frank Gaffney on Secure Freedom Radio about what the future generations of Americans might ask our generation and what America might look like: 

“Why did our American representatives not impeach Barack Obama when there was time?”

Well, I was trying to think of yet another way to present the same old terrible facts which don’t really seem to matter to us anymore – at least in my view.  And, I thought if I tried to look down the road at how this might look to fresh eyes – generations ahead of us – who I think could possibly look back on this period and say “My goodness you still had a Congress that actually had the power to impeach the president and didn’t?  That you still had the vote at that point to elect these people?” 

Because what I’m at – what I can’t escape from is the notion that this is the end of functioning democracy.  We are looking at the end stage of the so-called balance of powers – I have to say – so called at this point because we do not have a balance of powers. And so I’m looking down a couple of generations down the line, maybe shorter time, where we don’t even have the pretense of functioning constitutional republic.  We don’t have a functioning one now.  And, yet, we still have representatives that we elect.  Still have these constitutional powers but they are failing to use – failing to execute their sworn duty to the constitution.  I do believe future generations, if any of them know what this country was about at the beginning, will look back with shock and disgust.

God DETESTS rebellion.  America? Rebellious?  

Thus says, the Lord:  “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls.  But they said, ‘We will not pay attention.’

Those are frightening words and fitting words for they describe our America and its godlessness: the normalization of homosexuality, same sex marriage, the killing of the unborn, its profane, pornographic television programming.

Frightening words also come from nationally syndicated talk show host Mark Levin.  Levin  says that the Democratic Party is no longer a legitimate party. He refers to the Democratic Party as a fascist party. 

Too, Levin minces no words regarding the Republican Party. Spineless, complicit, giving lip service to the Constitution but undermining it again and again and again.

In closing, I pay attention to the news.  I get concerned when I read that Christians in Iraq are throwing their children off from a mountain to keep them from terrorists.  It concerns me as I watch and see that this government will not protect its people at the border.  It concerns me to see Russia, China and Iran on the move while we turn our eyes the other way seemingly fostering and inviting their advance even in our hemisphere. 

In attempting to explain to the nine year-old, what is communism?  I can more easily explain what happens when a people turns its back upon the Lord Our God.

They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace. Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown,” says the Lord .
~ Jeremiah 6:14-15

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