The Insanity Of Emily Letts And Why We’re Just Like Her

By: American Decency Staff

I'm going to just be completely honest and lay it out there: I have not really cared about the issue of abortion. I understand that it is murder. But somehow that concept still hasn’t really grasped me in a real way. Sure I’ve joined the chorus of voices on facebook condemning it, from time to time. But I haven’t really ever been moved by the thought of abortion. I haven’t been burdened by it. I haven’t felt the weight of it. I haven’t prayed for people who have had abortions or are wanting to have abortions… ever.

But tonight as I read the words of Emily Letts, both an employee of an abortion clinic AND a mother who had her abortion video’d, my heart was moved. I was burdened. I felt the weight of it. I wanted to pray.

Here are a few thoughts from Emily Letts about her abortion experience:


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