The Gay Marriage Debate should be over because it never should have been

By: American Decency Staff

I am writing in regard to an article written in the Religious Section of the Grand Rapids Press from March 3 by former Religion page editor Charles Honey entitled: “Gay Marriage Debate should be over”.

If you read only one sentence from my response to Honey’s commentary let it be the following:

The Gay Marriage debate SHOULD BE OVER because it never should have been.

Honey describes a variety of accounts that he uses to document why the debate over marriage should be over, such as (1) how Jason Collins (NBA’s first openly homosexual player) was knocked to the ground and how three of his Brooklyn Nets teammates immediately helped pick him up off the floor, and, (2) A federal judge in Texas ruling a ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional following similar rulings in Utah and Virginia. 

Honey’s list goes on which includes listing the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and authorized federal benefits for same-sex married couples within the past year.

Honey raises the question mid-way through his column:  “What is the religious community to do? Drop all the scriptures that they say prohibit it?”

He makes this suggestion “Wake up and smell the sea salt.  It is just a matter of time before gay marriage is legal nationwide.”  He continues by stating that anyone under 30 is likely to ask “Why are you still talking about this?” 

The fact is if you haven’t noticed, the Christian community has largely been quiet – even very quiet.  The following highlights this reality.  Recently,  I was contacted by the news team of WZZM asking if I would comment about the ongoing hearing in Detroit conducted by U.S. District Judge Bernard Friedman to determine whether Michigan will be forced to fall in line with other states where a judge overrules the vote of the citizenry (Michigan citizens voted in 2004 to support natural marriage as has been similarly decided in 29 other states.)

The WZZM news team told me more than once that they were having difficulty finding anyone who would speak in support of natural marriage but had no trouble finding those in support of “gay” marriage.

I asked, “Are you really surprised, because the media typically vilifies a person who defends natural marriage. 

There has been an aggressive agenda pressed and promoted by Hollywood and the mass media at least since 1996.  Same sex marriage has been effectively politicized

through the use of celebrities, slick advertisements, sitcoms portraying homosexuals in a positive light aggressively making acceptable that which has been not only unacceptable but unthinkable, not only in this culture, but  around the world. 

Christians have been accused of bullying by those pressing the homosexual agenda.  Really?  But what do you call it when network and cable television produce program after program portraying homosexuality as the new normal and Christians as bigoted, backward, and out of step. 

What do you call it when citizens in various states have voted in statewide elections in support of natural marriage (God-ordained marriage) only to have one person – a judge – overrule the citizenry by declaring the citizen vote null and void. 

What do you call it when the United States President defies the U.S. Constitution and arbitrarily directs the chief law enforcement agent of the United States,  Attorney General Eric Holder, not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which was passed into law during President Bill Clinton’s administration.

What do you call it when Attorney General Eric Holder recently urged state attorneys general to do likewise:  to not uphold their state laws in regard to state marriage amendments where the citizens had voted favorably in support of natural marriage.

Does bullying come to mind here? 

The Gay Marriage debate should be over because it never should have been.

Indeed, it may seem as if the debate is over, but corruption, coercion and media manipulating  will not ultimately prevail.  And though it may seem there is no such thing as right and wrong – God exists and He sits upon the throne.  He is the Creator God who created man and woman.  God is the designer of marriage – marriage between one man and one woman.  He delighted in His creation and called it very good.

Various forms of bullying/persecution are silencing many.  However, there will always be those  who Charles Honey says  “still talk about this.”  We speak as we are compelled to speak from love and truth – with heart-felt concern lovingly warning, exhorting, and telling of God’s changeless truth which will not  slip and slide with the changing  of public opinion.  My recent TV interview on ABC/WZZM.

The so-called gay marriage debate would never have been a debate except for a corrupt, increasingly intrusive, lawless government, a radical left media and entertainment industry manipulating, coercing, demeaning, degrading those who they so  adamantly oppose and are determined they will bully into place.

I close with the following questions. 

For years on the Annual National Day of Prayer – the first Thursday of May – Christians have gathered to lament the continued spiritual/moral decline of their beloved America and have asked the question “How can God continue to be so merciful to our country?”

In the light of Charles’ Honey’s article:  “The Gay Marriage debate should be over,” should the debate be over?

Should we ignore the scriptures which prohibit homosexuality and same sex “marriage” as Charles Honey suggests?

Leviticus 18:22:  You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.

Proverbs 17:15: He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.

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