SPLC strongarms Amazon and Paypal to blacklist pro-freedom bloggers and websites (eg Atlas Shrugs)

By: American Decency Staff

The hardcore leftist group, whose members have targeted family group leaders for assassination, is now going after the funding platforms that fund small pro-freedom groups, family organizations and websites like mine.

SPLC uses it hate group listings to demonize conservatives and anyone who dissents from its statist, authoritarian agenda. Its hate group list is so tendentious and politically motivated that they were recently removed from a government website’s listing of resources on hate groups (details here: http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/profiles/pamela-geller).

The ill-gotten wealth of the SPLC amounts to tens of millions of dollars, while those whom they target, the supporters of freedom, are meagerly financed by average Americans who want freedom preserved in this country.

The SPLC is highlighting Amazon and Paypal because they are the online means for Average Joes to send money to pro-freedom groups. These subversive destroyers mean to shut us down.

– See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/05/splc-strongarms-amazon-paypal-blacklist-pro-freedom-bloggers-websites-ie-atlas-shrugs.html/#sthash.S7Cia1jp.dpuf

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